Chuck Schumer: I didn't want people to be hurt by a govt shutdown. So I voted to fund the rogue govt that has been usurped by oligarchs & weaponized against the American people.
Ridiculous. As if the GOP won't blame democrats for everything already, including Trump relentlessly claiming the excellent economy Biden left him is a disaster. That's just a given, so ignore it.
No, he “caved” because you gain nothing from the shutdown while losing the population. That so few on Bluesky get that simple truth gives me little hope at unseating Trump.
Schumer said in an interview (maybe the NYT's one) that he does not worry about people posting angry stuff about him online. So either we need to talk to him face to face (go to his office or home) or get him on the phone. He is not hearing us.
That's his age speaking. He should worry. We talk online, on the phone, on the street and some in person. The last two are hard when hides and charges money for tickets to hear him speak.
The Chuck Schumer's of the world are only good for relatively "normal" times when lobbyists run elections, insider trading is acceptable, billions of dollars is approved to kill 67,000 Palestinians & their office allows them to get rich. Once out of this comfort zone, they are at a loss.
Politicians say they work for the American people, but really only work to benefit themselves. They pass bills to raise their own wages, yet minimum wage hasn’t increased in 20 years. They won’t even posit universal healthcare, yet have the best insurance known to man. See the pattern. Fuck em all!
But yet… we just keep electing them, the same politicians, over and over and over and over, again?
While your statement is absolutely correct. At the same time it seems to whitewash over We The People’s complicitous responsibility for everything that all those politicians do and get away with.
And that’s the rub. Why do we keep voting against our own best interests. At the end of the day in a two party system of democracy you have to choose the lesser of two evils. I’m so confused and disappointed right now. The one thing I do know is that everything feels pretty fucked up right now. 💙🇺🇸✌🏻
Try not to look at it like a 5 year old, and then see that Schumer actually made the right move in a situation that had no good options. Unless division in our party is your goal.
As if letting house representatives who face re-election 2 years do the dirty work for senators who only have to face their constituents every 6 years isn’t dividing the party.
You’re not seeing the big picture. The House is like the lizard brain, but the Senate is like the bits that do higher reasoning. You’re rooting for the side that is urging us to punch the jerk, and Chuck is thinking, “I’d go to jail for punching this jerk, let’s let him swing and fall.”
And you’re missing the fact that Schumer as the upper house member did a horrible job of understanding and communicating with the house members over the whole party strategy. They are the same party but totally out of sync and that is Schumer’s responsibility
If that was truly the case, the response from House members seems to indicate they had no idea if that was his plan, which once again points out that he unilaterally acted without letting his party know.
For all the schumer apologists out there bleating that the courts will stop trump. They won't. They haven't. He defied a judges order already. He doesn't care about the law. And the enforcers are all on his side now. How about schumer apprehend him? He'll have the LAW on his side, right? 🙄
No, he doesn't know what he's doing which is how he announced on Wednesday Democrats wouldn't vote for the CR and then flipped on Thursday. He let the decision sneak up on him, as if it was impossible the GOP would roll over for Trump. Then he failed to unite Democrats and leaves all of us scattered
Chuck is going on a book tour this week and he really didn’t want to mess that up by continuing to do his job. This is the extent of his “political strategy”
Fact:Dems in senate minutes later STOPPED VA defunding & SSA.Took 2 more cases2court. Total 127 won out of 128
Govt shutdown: trump DEFUNDS COURTS/ Fed judges. No way2take tfump2court!
Any actions he takes now is ILLEGAL. GOVT SHUTDOWN is LEGAL for prez to prioritize shutdowns SCHUMER DID GOOD!
Everyone is screaming at Senator Schumer for not shutting the government down, when doing so would hurt Americans, but more importantly would lay the blame directly on the Democratic Party. The republicans would be given the midterm election strategy on a silver platter. Think about it realistically
The role of a legislative leader is to unite his party behind the best action as that party decides, not as he decided on his own is best. He failed as a leader and should be ousted ASAP.
Let the whole system burn & crash. We will then revolt & physically remove all Bad Politicians, SCOTUS, Orange ass & Elonia. Imprison all of them. Then WE rebuild a better U.S.A
The two party system is broken! We must rise up and We The People must lead. I have a plan and will start releasing it tomorrow on
Congress grow a pair and the spine does whatever it takes to stall,squill,stop, filibuster just do it. Guess what you'd still be playing nice. Let's get to work the people hired you to do so...
Trumf signs a War Act now!!!! Marshall Law against us all next!!!!! This evil must stop Now!! Fucking republican slime in this country needs to be eliminated Now!!!!!!
I can buy his logic for voting for the CR, But… he has not done enough overall to oppose the Trump regime. And he needs to go. The outrage is well taken.
What do you suggest? It appears that calling, emailing, faxing, protests and court orders are not making any difference. Waiting for a workable solution.
When you give him an inch, he lunges for the throat.
People have to start understanding, that if you stop the enemy before they look over your shoulder at what you seek to defend.
Drop them before they make the threat.
When they talk about preventing a government shut down, what government are they talking about? US government has been getting actively dismantled for the last two months. There is sure as fuck is no governing going on.
Senators—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—Trump is dismantling our Republic to serve Putin's goals. Confirming unfit Cabinet members only aids him. Putin wants Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Save our Republic. Stop Trump.
Only the sick, poor and non-whites. If he eliminates 10% of the world's most vulnerable populations, that might reverse Climate Change, right? He thinks he's a Hero.
Everybody here knows it was a payoff. He gave him money, promised to buy a gazillion books threatened his family who knows which one it is, but Schumer sold us all out the answer to what’s going on is clear and nobody will do another weekend. Another golf outing another failure
Agree feels to change his mind in 24 hrs 180 degrees makes no sense except in this context of threat to him and his family and pay off it seems. Although god I hate that these nuts have made me think horrible things about people! Damn them for changing me!!
Oh chuckles let’s take a look. Proverbs 22:16
He who oppresses the poor to make more for himselfOr who gives to the rich, will only come to poverty 😉 the suffering of millions Americans to come is on your shoulders.
He thought he was going to get a favor. Paid forward. I think Trump asked him for a hamburger today of which he will pay him back for on next Tuesday. chuck “whimpy” Schumer.
Federal Mediation & Conciliation Serv;
US Agency for Global Media;
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the Smithsonian Inst;
Inst of Museum & Library Services;
US Interagency Council on Homelessness;
Comm Development Financial Institutions Fund;
Minority Business Development Agency.
The only explanation is that he thought this would keep the market from crashing. Not that I accept that.
But Chuck is now THE symbol of the impotence of the Democrats in the Senate. He is now the one we blame and will continue to blame because we feel so helpless, angry and afraid.
Please spare a thought for the poor corporate backers of the Dems who profit off an economy that would only become less stable with a government shut down 🥺
It's more than greed for The Rich. The traitors are destroying democracy and it's reach in every conceivable way to help Russia and Putin.
Trump is pushing people to do something dumb so he can declare Martial Law. Then he'll suspend elections and the Constitution and seize his total dictatorship.
He’s not finding the bill they just passed… he’s not going to do it… there isn’t money coming to CA.. the only money that coming out is to the defense.. and those MFers are going to wring their hands and say .. but they promised… the old guard is not up to the task.. move the fuck out of the way..
Fir some reason Schumer didn't realize the rules had radically changed, and he's still playing by the old rules...and helping Putin, through this orange dumbbell, destroy America.
I think he does realize it, he just doesn’t know what to do in this new world we’re living in, so he’s decided to just pretend that we’re still living in the old one.
It’s not madness. Both the red team and the blue team are owned by the same oligarchs. It’s just entertainment designed to keep us divided, keep us distracted, and bleed off our time, money, and energy, so we don’t unite and change the underlying system that created and maintains the 2%. ✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿✊🏼✊🏻✊🏿✊🏼✊🏽✊🏻
The Liar Coward Hypocrite Punk Chuck Schumer & 9 Hypocrite Scare Senate Democrats that vote Yes for the GOP BS Bill are like a Bad negotiator on a Bank Robbery that let the Robbers take the money and an Airplane to scape & he do not get the Hostage or any money & the airplane back ever!
So Schumer was forced to Stop the shutdown, So Prices Wouldn't go up, and to stop trump from killing more agencies, Then Trump killed more agencies, WHAT? Did someone force Schumer? Schumer literally was on our side?
It’s time for a new boomer!
Or maybe not because of Schumer!
We need some young blood!
But not Fetterman who is totally done!
Maybe Pete, Jazmin or AOC,
At least they are fighting for you and me!
Which 7?
WTF Chuck!!!
Schumer doesn’t work for the US or for the people.
Giving them everything they are asking for is not a plan.
While your statement is absolutely correct. At the same time it seems to whitewash over We The People’s complicitous responsibility for everything that all those politicians do and get away with.
Good luck on your fucking book tour
When the kid who thinks he is the brainest in the class gets a F in his end of year test.
Time for a new leader, by yesterday.
Step down before we have to put you down.
"I didn't brake because I didn't want to bring the car to a stop!"
"RED DAWN MUCH"✊️✊️✊️✊️✊️✊️✊️✊️✊️✊️✊️
Govt shutdown: trump DEFUNDS COURTS/ Fed judges. No way2take tfump2court!
Any actions he takes now is ILLEGAL. GOVT SHUTDOWN is LEGAL for prez to prioritize shutdowns SCHUMER DID GOOD!
Some of the Democrats seem to be completely spineless.
We are the solution; We The People
People have to start understanding, that if you stop the enemy before they look over your shoulder at what you seek to defend.
Drop them before they make the threat.
Hey Chuck- your not a loony tune character. But your making us all fools. STOP ALL READY!
Step aside, it's what's best.
On the Senate floor.
Trump goes after anybody who disagree with him
CORRECTION: " . . . kills seven more agencies ILLEGALLY hours later."
The rest of us!
He who oppresses the poor to make more for himselfOr who gives to the rich, will only come to poverty 😉 the suffering of millions Americans to come is on your shoulders.
US Agency for Global Media;
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the Smithsonian Inst;
Inst of Museum & Library Services;
US Interagency Council on Homelessness;
Comm Development Financial Institutions Fund;
Minority Business Development Agency.
But Chuck is now THE symbol of the impotence of the Democrats in the Senate. He is now the one we blame and will continue to blame because we feel so helpless, angry and afraid.
He has to step aside to give us back our hope.
Is he allowed to be a king now?
Shitty Schumer, he is doing terrible things after the fact and you have a front row seat. We are in panic mode and you are on a book tour.
Trump is pushing people to do something dumb so he can declare Martial Law. Then he'll suspend elections and the Constitution and seize his total dictatorship.
Or maybe not because of Schumer!
We need some young blood!
But not Fetterman who is totally done!
Maybe Pete, Jazmin or AOC,
At least they are fighting for you and me!