Started reading that book (It Can’t Happen Here) by Sinclair Lewis. After re-reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Both are prescient. Wait-listed for Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler which is scarily so, apparently.
Well, thankfully there’s about~50% of us who will not let DJT be a dictator over our dead bodies…then soon the MAGA’s who thought that just people w/skin higher than a spray tan…& /or undocumented people would be the only ones impacted…now they see clearly now…the rain is gone…& it’s just the🤥🤥🤥left
The same happens, on crime scenes... Neighbor in interview " We never thought it could happen here".. That kind of magical thinking, will bite you in the ass..
its because people REFUSE to accept reality and their apathy is gonna get us all enslaved it's happening right meow and people still hold out thinking they can get a peaceful revolution however history teaches us this is not going to happen as this is the rule and not the exception (like ghandi)
Usually the move a little more slowly. This is happening fast and thus it is more obvious . However, online I still see people parroting the
trump statements and rationalizations about what is going on.
In 1932 the 2 parties merged in bipartisanship. NS&DAP. in America in 2025 the Republicans&democratic finally stopped bothering to hide from us they were our NSDAP all along. Inspired nazis Inspired by nazis. Show me a time when the US wasn't doing a genocidal holocaust
It will not happen here.. we will all rise up.. his cult will wake up.. it's not just about the price of eggs anymore... we need to tax the rich.. they are NOT going to get away with this fascist experience..
Historians date the start of almost any fascist regime from when the fascists gained power. They don't pick some event or action and say that's when they became fascists.
Whatever you call it, it's happening in America *right now*. The only historical question is, how bad will it get?
We are watching the biggest grift of our lifetime. People should be resigning from their post en mass and their should be protests everywhere to the point where people can’t go on with their day to day in peace. We need everyone to STFU and get on board. Where are you? What are u waiting for?
I’m one of the folks that you’re referring to as “they”. I know you didn’t intend to insult ME. But generalizing ALL Americans as “they” is a crude mistake. I AM NOT ONE OF “them”. Your country is under threat by a maniac. My LIFE is under threat by a maniac.
WE are FIGHTING BACK! Stand with us! 🇺🇸🇨🇦
“Where one sees these viruses, one can expect unchanging attitudes in support of conspiracies, of cults, of populists and of bigots. Should not be surprising.
“In these memes, these viruses, in forms of reasoning, one can see the DNA of today’s politics.”
"It Can't Happen Here" is also the title of a 1935 Sinclair Lewis novel that I read maybe 50 years ago. Prescient.
Similar Lewis writings: Elmer Gantry, Babbitt and several other warnings
Well, we supported war Israeli criminals, didn't we? Why is anyone surprised at how fucked up this country can get? The whole country looked away. Nothing to see here. Move along said the Ziofascists. Don't speak out, or we'll label you antisemitic.
And it's happening. Keep hearing from you all "he wouldn't do that", then does that. Next, "oh he wouldn't do that", then does that. The next "oh he wouldn't do that" AND it keeps continuing.
When will the people believe he'll do anything. There is NO ONE to tell him no anymore!
Confirmations are a joke! Courts are a joke to trump. Presidential immunity. That asshat is going to use that after he destroys the former usa now west Russia!
I just got into a pissing match with someone who wrote an editorial saying that, comparing what is happening now to 1930s German trivializes the holocaust.
I grew up studying a lot of contemporary history, especially the rise and consolidation of Nazi-fascism in the 20th century. It's mind-boggling that so many Americans still don't understand, they just don't see the signs. It's heart-breaking, really.
It's already happening here and will continue to happen as long as a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist is occupying the White house he wants the 4th Reich
He's trying to have complete control over everything and everyone he wants to be king ruler they are trying to fire all government employees now I'm sure he will declare martial law sometime not super bad yet but it will be we are going down that road it will be up to the people to stop trump
Very strange this acceptence to let them do all this shit, actually very forthcoming of the american citizens to let them play the roles of their Lifetimes. You are right. If it's not the people then who.
True. Norway had Quinsling, France had Petain, G.B. had Chamberlain, Jesus had Judas…, but we have A beacon of hope and a brave soul who stands up to tyranny. Someone GOP can always call upon to do the (far) right thing every time. A real MAGA patriot.
Since I was old enough to understand, I was told that our democracy was only one generation away from failure at any given time. I served my country during the Cold War when Russia was our enemy and later in a very hot war, doing my best to keep our country safe. Now I'm disabled and we have this.
Sadly, many in this country haven't cared about veterans since Vietnam. We get a lot of lip service, but that's all it is. I believe many on the right would rather we never came home.
They don't care about anybody that is not rich. Everybody here is a pawn for them to move around the chessboard to get what they want. They are the worst human beings to ever exist and they are always in charge. The human species is the worst thing to happen to the planet
Can you please share? I’m a disabled vet who is permanently paralyzed and in an electric wheelchair. I’d like to get as many people to experience this with me
Ty in advance
He is ignoring court and deporting people under the guise of gangs to an el Salvador prison where thousand die a month. None of us are paying attention! Wants 3500 more by April 1st. Segregating black people in military under the guise of some skin disease. I say we have 2 months until it's bad
There’s a lot of entitled Americans out there who expect democracy to serve them without putting in due effort to ensure it’s protected. And, by due effort, I mean take an hour out of your life once every four years and vote.
Senators—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—Trump is dismantling our Republic to serve Putin's goals. Confirming unfit Cabinet members only aids him. Putin wants Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Save our Republic. Stop Trump.
Musk, Thiel, and their network dismantling democratic institutions.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Funny enough some from Alberta in Canada seem to think the US is a free place. They support what he's doing why I don't know they are free to leave Canada as far as I am concerned. I don't think a lot people in Alberta share that view however. Canada has some Americans living within they are happy.
Funny thing is is that the founding fathers did think it could happen here and tried to put in safeguards to try and stop it. Guess they didn’t realize that the people in charge of those safeguards wouldn’t use them.
Now we're quoting fking Ayn Rand?
Please don't cherry pick a quote from AR without posting the intended endgame that goes with it.
Although her political views are often classified as conservative or libertarian, Rand preferred the term "radical for capitalism". Worked with conservatives politically
This is absolutely true. Because people are not willing to admit they were wrong and stop this from happening. So they are going to sit back and let it happen
That statement is so true it just stops you in your tracks and makes you think of all the nations and all the times freedoms were taken from people. I thought about it today when I saw the article about a dei medal for a black veteran from Vietnam. I sat and just cried. My heart deeply hurts.
One way to stop this is to take back the House. There are 5 elections for House of Representatives coming up.
Can Democrats win them?
Let’s stop bickering & try.
Donate, volunteer, & if it’s your district then Register & VOTE!
Come on BLUE... Please unite and move forward! Now's not the time to rollover and die like this Independent did. I'd live to vote 3P but until the GOP gets back on the "common good" track, I'm supporting the Democrats who stayed on the "common good" track. We need 3 major parties period.
It should not be a shock what is revealed in this book. Pope Francis worked with Cardinal Pell to cover up s* abuse of children. #INVESTIGATION ~~~
It is happening just roght now in the US. And Trump os ignoring the rulings of judges to stop. If no one enforces the rule of law your democracy will be gone in no time.
America and it republic of democracy is being destroyed by an egomaniac and his toady Elon. They have seized power with the help of Schumer and the infamous 10. They are all responsible for the dismantling of our democracy. May they go down history as traitors to freedom.
that way of thinking was up to date about 30 years ago.
Might as well just keep typing shit at this point. Too late.
You won't see a protest worth a shit in America unless you offer free Playstation 5's. People can't even handle...other people. Let alone an entire govt.
How many thousands of us warned USA of this Coup since 2015?
I am a exceedingly frustrated Pussyhat.
"I told you so!" is the most impotent line in the world.
What could we have done against Billionaires buying the entire US government one branch at a time?
I have spoken to many Americans that say to me 'it will be fine. Wait and see the midterms' (there will be no more elections silly) 'we have guard rails to stop this' (WHERE) - WAKE UP ALREADY!
For those stuck in the stage thinking, "It can't possibly happen here! Regimes rise up on the other side of the globe but, not HERE! Not in America!", I must tell you, it IS happening. And, you must fight in the same way as Hungary and Serbia are fighting. For your lives.
Studying the Nazi movement starting 1933 is revealing. A country with the best culture, the best music, the best universities and science can become a nation of history's most ruthless criminals. They industrialized murder. The people, the victims' neighbors tolerated it. They always found killers
It can’t happen here is a loud voice at a liberal socialite party in Manhattan or LA hills. The whispers from the catering staff are “the rich are virtue signaling to poor customers”
The United States is under the rule of a white nationalist authoritarian dictatorship.
Billionaire Neo-Nazi Elon Musk and DOGE is attacking our government.
Trump has declared himself dictator and is crushing any opposition.
Congress has retreated.
But We still have international law.
trump statements and rationalizations about what is going on.
It's the embodiment of Jung's Shadow. Not recognizing the Shadow allows it to dictate your life.
Now, the real question is whether you can see yourself being one of those who make it occur. 🤔😏
In 1932 the 2 parties merged in bipartisanship. NS&DAP. in America in 2025 the Republicans&democratic finally stopped bothering to hide from us they were our NSDAP all along. Inspired nazis Inspired by nazis. Show me a time when the US wasn't doing a genocidal holocaust
Whatever you call it, it's happening in America *right now*. The only historical question is, how bad will it get?
WE are FIGHTING BACK! Stand with us! 🇺🇸🇨🇦
It’s be someone birthday in Canada, there’s a lot
Piñata parties taking place!
#NotMyJoker #ElbowsUp #ChanclaTime #USDemocracy #Canada #Piñata
That was fiction, what's happening now isn't.
He spoke like he was running for KING even then.
Trump: Hold my beer.
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“In these memes, these viruses, in forms of reasoning, one can see the DNA of today’s politics.”
Similar Lewis writings: Elmer Gantry, Babbitt and several other warnings
When will the people believe he'll do anything. There is NO ONE to tell him no anymore!
The parallels are uncanny with 1933 German, FFS.
It's time, pass it on
Leslie Meisels,
Holocaust Survivor, (Hungary, Toronto)
AND it's Always STUPID!!!
Ty in advance
Dictatorship is horrifying.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
That's what really
When will the
Or are we
True . . .
... Harry Sinclair Lewis, 1935 - It can't happen here
Here we are.
💠 😔 💠
Please don't cherry pick a quote from AR without posting the intended endgame that goes with it.
Although her political views are often classified as conservative or libertarian, Rand preferred the term "radical for capitalism". Worked with conservatives politically
They think things are bad now ... just wait! You literally get 50 years in jail for saying something bad about Putin.
Can you imagine invading Canada or Greenland? Dude is whack!
ALL 🍊🍄 and his effing cronies do is
White House denies defying court order pausing deportation of Venezuelan gang members
trump defied the Judges and our Constitution
Can Democrats win them?
Let’s stop bickering & try.
Donate, volunteer, & if it’s your district then Register & VOTE!
Time for it to make the rounds again
I do find this Inspirational and reminds us of what we Strive for Again
Everything you thought “couldn’t happen here” became possible. In fact, a lot of those things are happening right now!
We are now one of those countries, but with nukes.
What are the rest of us suppose to do?
Might as well just keep typing shit at this point. Too late.
You won't see a protest worth a shit in America unless you offer free Playstation 5's. People can't even handle...other people. Let alone an entire govt.
How many thousands of us warned USA of this Coup since 2015?
I am a exceedingly frustrated Pussyhat.
"I told you so!" is the most impotent line in the world.
What could we have done against Billionaires buying the entire US government one branch at a time?
You chose trump fascism over a free society.
America: Move past the “Hey, hey, ho, ho” protest chants, to…
Take back your f•cking country.
Take down this f•cking regime.
The rest of the world. ✊🏻✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼
And shockingly prescient.
Billionaire Neo-Nazi Elon Musk and DOGE is attacking our government.
Trump has declared himself dictator and is crushing any opposition.
Congress has retreated.
But We still have international law.