Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
🔥 MAGA logic: Vaccines are against “deeply held religious beliefs” — but voting for a lying, cheating rapist is totally fine? 🤡 Hypocrisy at its finest! You can’t pick and choose when to have “morals.” 🥴👀 #MAGA #Hypocrisy #WakeUp
Retrumplicans are all about hypocrisy. And this is nothing new. And this in quotes "we are the party of morals and family values". Is pure Bullshit. These KOOL-AID drinkers will never admit that they support RACISM, SEXISM. ADULTRY, HOMOPHOBIA, TREASON.
I've come across this, but it was regarding abortion. Have your beliefs, but if you can't think actions like January 6 is ok or the price to be paid, I have nothing to say to you.
This must be a parody account. You’re content here is laughable. I try to stay as much away from X as possible but I just can’t deal with your dribble here
If protecting your child and OTHERS from potentially disabling or even fatal infections is against your deeply held religious beliefs, then your deeply held religious beliefs are garbage.
The whole world is suffering from Donald Trump, a malignant narcissist, being in the White House, but we don't just blame the people who voted Republican. We blame Joe Biden for not staying he would just run for 1 term
Tell that all the kids who have measles in Texas plus and the children who died from measles and the newborn infant who’ve been exposed to measles I guess it’s your God-given right to let your children die
Love letters to Kim Jung. Trips in Moscow and private meetings with the Putin & oligarchs, mile high clubbing with Jeffery Epstein. The list goes on an on. An On. An on.
MAGAS, we won’t hold anything against you if you just admit you were lied to and use critical thinking. You can still be a Christian. You can still not get vaccinated (which has nothing to do with Jesus). But just let go of thinking the orange liar is going to support you.
There's a $2.7T surplus in Social Security trust fund and why MAGA GOP, Trump, and South African Nazi Musk want it! If they take this, then they owe $2.7T to all Americans, with exception to billionaires. This is a discussion that is happening my fellow Americans, be alert!
Dremocrats: we support Zelensky and Israel because we are committed to democracy and against racism!
Me: if you were committed to democracy and against racism you never would have supported the overthrow of the last democratically elected government a united peaceful Ukraine had, or Apartheid
MAGA: I don't need vaccines or masks because God will protect me, but don't you dare take away my gun rights.
Also MAGA: I am against abortions because I'm pro-life and love babies, but when there is a school shooting, it's not because of the guns. Don't you dare take away my gun rights.
Senators—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—Trump is dismantling our Republic to serve Putin's goals. Confirming unfit Cabinet members only aids him. Putin wants Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Save our Republic. Stop Trump.
Life saving benefits of vaccines are proved by science. Their value is not a matter of opinion. If your “religious beliefs” are anti vaccination then get a new religion since yours is based on ignorance. . I feel very sorry for your innocent children.
Any so called ‘Christian’ that voted for Trump is really an atheist. There is no way they could believe in the bible and vote for him otherwise they know they are going straight to hell.
But hey I’ll sign my kid up for those weight loss shots because he/she is to fat. No I don’t care if it’s new and I don’t care if it has side effects oh I don’t care if is an MRNA shot. Because it’s more important that they look good than live through and epidemic of preventable disease.
Remember when he pushed all the moms and kids to walk across the street to church and held the Bible upside down. Thumping his chest. He’s never opened that book. EVER
My 6 month old niece has been hospitalized 3 times, almost died 2 and is still not over her rsp because, her mom was “investigating vaccines” if your child dies because, you’re an idiot. It IS your fault. Vaccinate your children.
MAGAts and Christian conservatives in general tend to use their bastardized religious "beliefs" as an excuse to continue being ignorant and hateful, whether out of stupidity or narcissism.
Wouldn’t it be nice if that was the worst thing you could say about him? I mean, you don’t even have to make anything up. What he is, what he represents when he comes out of his crypt/charging station/coffin/? in the morning, is already worse than the worst thing imaginable.
It was never about the Bible. It was always about distorting the Bible to gain control and political power, suppress strong women, legalize segregation, and launder money through tax-free churches. They want. religion in schools? I want the IRS in churches.
Yes, Donald Trump’s a fucking moron a fucking dumbass. He’s got shit for brains along with Elon Musk and JD Vance. I don’t know who the fuck would be stupid enough to vote for this asshole. I really don’t.
I'm curious why now? The W. Bush administration lied to start the war with Iraq, and Reagan used the "welfare queens" dog whistle to push his agenda and was silent on AIDS until Rock Hudson went public. The GOP hasn't been moderate in decades. I don't mean to start anything but I am curious.
But you have no issues with Elon Musk wearing a bulletproof vest (because he’s afraid obviously… of an assassination attempt) but often putting his little child X on his shoulders?
That’s OK with you?
Well god can’t save everybody on his own. He’s already overwhelmed trying to save all the non-vaxxed kids and kids taking bullets from school shooters. And little kids from being raped by religious leaders and presidents.
So sometimes you need the vest or human shield to help god out.
I still am amazed as to how it did not matter to people. I remember Al Franken who pretended to touch a woman's breast had to leave the senate. Here you have a convicted felon, a rapist, a corrupt person who lies. You also have Elon who said if Trump didn't win he would be in jail. Go figure.
This is the discussion I have had with every CHRISTIAN who voted for Trump. They DO believe he is a rapist and a bad person. They voted for him anyway. They can't explain why, except that he is "conservative", which we ALL know is a lie.
"My religion" is always everyone's excuse for being a total asshole. Your magic book of fairy tales doesn't say one thing about vaccines because they didn't exist when it was written, you revisionist morons.
The basics are dead: intelligence, kindness, compassion, respect, honesty. These so-called Christians would never let Jesus into the U.S. & would brand him a dangerous leftie middle easterner. Their values are the total opposite of what is taught in the Bible & yet they call themselves Christians.
I know, can have babies, putting feminine hygiene products in boys bathrooms, males competing in women's sports, letting violent felons out with no bail only to commit heinous crimes, teaching pre pubescent youngsters about transgenderism.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
They will also say this trash while smoking cigarettes or vaping, doing drugs, and getting drunk while eating a steady diet of fast food and other garbage.
We love life. We deserve your support. Save the children Don't stay silent, donate, share, help Your small donation helps save a family.Thank you all
It's funny how they think all the women against him paid to bad-mouth him. It's honestly crazy these people seem downright mesmerized by this Orange Pol Pot.
she got lucky. Well, round 2 is coming up soon,
twice is a charm, they say.
Me: if you were committed to democracy and against racism you never would have supported the overthrow of the last democratically elected government a united peaceful Ukraine had, or Apartheid
I have my own chosen beliefs too, I don't burden others with them.
Also MAGA: I am against abortions because I'm pro-life and love babies, but when there is a school shooting, it's not because of the guns. Don't you dare take away my gun rights.
Can't be Cthulhu- he has better standards
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
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Please consider joining and/or donating.
When we face challenging situations, our initial response is often negative.
By focusing on one positive thought each day, I cultivate stability.
With constant practice, this habit helps me stay steady, even in the toughest of times
for them Jesus is just branding, a mascot, like a happy cow on a factory-farm milk carton
"It says here you're a Republican. Your party supported a rapist felon for president. No exemption for you."
Buddhist persecution of Rohingya
Countless inter-religious wars
All because of "deeply held religious belief"
It's not automatically benign, and very often isn't.
"He was sent by God to rescue us."
These aren’t real Christians—just self-righteous lowlifes hiding their unchristian mindsets and actions behind pious phrases and Bible quotes.
Is this really the game plan?!!...
They ignored all the signs, ignored what Harris said & ignored the Bible so this is 100% on them.
The sad part is the domestic & global damage he has done to the U.S.
That’s OK with you?
So sometimes you need the vest or human shield to help god out.
Me: Careful. You'll spill your Diet Mountain Dew on your Trump sneakers.
I choose to believe in science.
I know exactly what you're talking about.