Don't kid yourself. Bernie lives and acts in a gray zone between the oligarchs and the common people...He supports guns, rendition, warrantless surveillance, and host of other cancers on the body of democracy
Bernie helped Felon become president the first time because he threw an angry whore’s tantrum and AOC got her own base to vote for the Felon. Sure, Jan.
Don't give up on democracy. We need to defend it like our lives depend on it. Everyone has a role to play in this game.
Here are 198 Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion. Get together with like minded people. Resist in as many ways as you can. Take nonviolent actions.
Thank you!!! We need to keep sharing evidence of the rigged election! SILENCE is NOT an option now that a criminal has seized power with the help of dark money interests!!! Fair election my a$$ 😡
Stop tyranny!
Rising authoritarianism worldwide inspired me to write an allegorical trilogy on the perils of fascism: 1) unnecessary war, 2) failed democracy & resulting climate crisis, & 3) racially-motivated subjugation. The Antunite Chronicles at too.
Sen Dick Durbin failed us when he helped usher in pres barack hussien obama, usa wasn't ready,God Bless USA ❣️ long live the King 👑, calls and puts pump and dump
Opposition leaders such as AOC and Sanders, while prominent and vocal, often struggle to provide effective leadership. Their frequent public discourse, rather than strengthening the case against Trump, can detract from it, leaving the opposition feeling disheartened.
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Fucking (GOP/MAGA/FACIST/NAZI trump)! Promising liberty for all "we the people" voicing our stance is utterly sadly unguaranteed. If "ONLY" US former (D) or (R) President & VP's collapses trump coup PROJECT 2025 before it is complete.
Dem's need a press secretary to update people to what the russian assets are doing daily. You need a leader that knows how to fight. You need to demand dems who side with the russian assets are removed from your party because they have violated their oath which calls for impeachment.
AOC and Bernie are two people I'd hate to be trapped in a small room with if they got pissed at me. Just the kind of lions we need now!!!
Sanders is working with the Russians to split the left. He is a revolutionary socialist that wants to see us burn so we can be reborn into something else.
At the end of the day, all he does is split the left and bash democrats for not running in a socialist enclave like him.
Corporations that stand on the side of our constitutional rights need to STOP paying into the SS now! Stop sending our money to line the pockets of the Grifters in office.
We need a way to reward Bernie for his steadfast fight for us for so many years. He can't run for president again he knows that but he can't retire without fanfare? A statue & parade in Vermont? Come on Vermonters, I'm not from Vermont but would happily contribute.
Share it on TikTok!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
We the People...cannot left our country fall prey to this weak president, who cannot stand up to Putin, Yet have the temerity to castigate the rest of our society, seize control by this unelected(Musk) giving his sole power to annihilate our system of gov't workers and teardown our institutions.
President Biden was too ill to continue. He needed to keep his promise to be a one term President and give time for us to pick a better candidate than the DNC/DCCC pick Kamala Harris who lost to him in primary before. Then we may have had a chance. Time to move forward.
SCOTUS made President's above the law, he could've handed the presidency over to Kamala without all the political correctness and pretenses. They're gone, not a freakin peep. They're still Americans right?
"How can any Republican stand by Trump as he viciously attacks a sitting judge just because the ruling didn’t go his way? Respect for the rule of law shouldn’t depend on personal outcomes."
It's like a poster for a action movie in the movie theaters but except it's real and we're literally in a fight to save our Country and it's Democracy from a terrorist group.
Bernie’s speech in Altoona was on fire! The Meidas Touch ran the whole thing on You Tube, but I have heard very little reporting on any of the other outlets.
AOC and Bernie, our Tribunes of the People. I would vote for either one for President next time, I think it would be harder for corporate Dems to sideline AOC than Bernie.
Corporate Democrats. They are in charge of policies that don't reflect any of us. I'd like to meet the Democrats they claim to represent. The ones who want to get along with Republicans. The ones who knock themselves out for the Republicans. Those kiss ass Democrats. Bring them out.
Left up to current party "leadership", they will just shuffle in new faces, with the same old, ineffectual shtick. The bottom is/has fallen out of the party, and they REFUSE to acknowledge or address it. The "heir apparent" is openly deriding the only ones breaking thru.
Yep-(R)/GOP/MAGA nazi party trump's adm etiquette & decorum without shame is tossed out the window. VP K. Harris lack of courage or outrage is erring silent-WHY? F us all. Fed/nat gov't security, economy continue to be dismantled daily! Consequences of Trump's action=Zero action!
Ignore the DNC. Pick your candidate and support them & get others to join you. That's the way AOC won. Nancy Pelosi never forgave her & look who we got in. Yay! For "the people".
Yeah, I hate Trump and Elon with a passion because they are destroying this country from the inside, out; I just don’t understand what exactly these 2 are supposed to be touring about. We see what’s happening, maybe you should do your job and write a law or something to counter this, like wtf?
Imagine that your TDS is so bad that you're suddenly OK with $36 TRILLION of debt, OPEN borders with NO vetting, and RAPES and MURDERS of US CITIZENS by ILLEGALS. /// BTW.. we had 4 GREAT years under Trump. Then we had DEMENTIA Joe. BTW.. why couldn't you recognize DEMENTIA Joe's DEMENTIA?
Impersonal on platforms some now being reached would NEVER tune in to? Do not underestimate the power of an actual person in front of you. It's happening all over 🥰
What Bernie is doing now is the way. Organized events with security that aren’t just for the blue team.
Go bigger and add:
Tim Walz
Jasmine Crockett
Jon Stewart
Mayor Pete
Adam Kinzinger
Chris Murphy
Mark Cuban
Heather Cox Richardson
John Pavlovitz
Robert Reich
Joe Walsh
The Piedmont Raging Grannies
Yep, we're gonna need a large crew of vocal rabble-rousers to fire things up and give liberal-leaning voters some confidence; MAGA has a wide legion of 'em at their disposal. AOC and Crockett aren't enough "names" out there, and Bernie is probably close to leaving the public sphere soon.
Omg this was literally what Kamala did during her campaign as well… she had Tim deals in these red areas that she also visited such as Texas which is a state where they tried to run her off the road. I will def vote for Bernie because I understand the math unlike the non
Voters in the previous elec…
New Mexico could use a wakeup call. We are a Blue State but the general consensus around here is that "This will pass... Things will go back to normal after the next election... He is just trying to make a big news story." The level of concern among my peers is shocking low.
The democrats don’t seem to have the skills to assemble and protest. All you have to do is surround the White House with millions of people holding egg beaters made in China.
About time.🎯 Shift the narrative before democracy dies. The democratic politicians have to do their jobs and stop the anarchy before it’s to late. Stop the maggots from eating away democracy.💯🎯
The majority of the reps are already doing Town Halls. Rep Cohen just did one that had 750 people show up, they've been doing virtual Town Halls for the last 3 mths, several have gotten well over a 1k people. The Dems are getting out in the public.
2026- "Too Big To Rig": Reach out to the 99 million eligible voters who didn't participate in 2016, 2020, and 2024 and demonstrate that we ARE a 2/3 Majority who want democracy
This is the TRUE fight. When Dump first took power, Robert Mercer of “the ultra-rich Mercers” bank rolled Dump. Corporations want to turn America into a factory.
Balls are a very attractive quality in a politician. Wearing them doesn’t seem to be in fashion.
OAC and Bernie wear theirs so well. Trend that look!!💪
Eat your heart out Donny you will never have that love and respect.
(part of proceeds go to Sandy Hook Promise)
Otherwise that's just a fart in the wind.
Here are 198 Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion. Get together with like minded people. Resist in as many ways as you can. Take nonviolent actions.
Everyone else over there should definitely go, if you can.
Tell Bernie “that crazy Herbalist says ciao”
Billionaires are the problem.
Rising authoritarianism worldwide inspired me to write an allegorical trilogy on the perils of fascism: 1) unnecessary war, 2) failed democracy & resulting climate crisis, & 3) racially-motivated subjugation. The Antunite Chronicles at too.
We must have tens of thousands in seats to show elected officials we are not surrendering.
You must RSVP to attend Denver🔵
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
No more talking about Trump/Elon's non-democratic evil greedy deeds - WE NEED TO ACT!
My #1 one priority help elect the Dems in few weeks so can control one branch of the government.
What's Yours #1 Priority to
Save our Constitutional RULE of LAW?
Master Coach Hu
No more talking about Trump/Elon's non-democratic evil greedy deeds - WE NEED TO ACT!
My #1 one priority help elect the Dems in few weeks so can control one branch of the government.
What's Yours #1 Priority to
Save our Constitutional RULE of LAW?
Master Coach Hu
Simultaneous popular revolutions against the ruling oligarchies in the US, Russia, and China.
We could still compete with each other, but it would be to see who can put the best government of, by, and for their people into place.
That would be nice.
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Otherwise I use Alt Text EVERY time.
Is it Musk's grand plan to steal Social Security money?
The entire government would be shutdown until midterms if it were up to her.
At the end of the day, all he does is split the left and bash democrats for not running in a socialist enclave like him.
Whatta blowhard.
Thank you AOC and Bernie.
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
What the fuck the minimum wage is still at 8 $ ????
Because of the oligarchs pigs MF kings.
BERNIE IS OLDER and he's been out there more than anyone.
There is a story here.
If you worked in fast food, does that mean you’re a fry cook forever?
It seems like facts aren’t your reason for believing what you believe.
Go bigger and add:
Tim Walz
Jasmine Crockett
Jon Stewart
Mayor Pete
Adam Kinzinger
Chris Murphy
Mark Cuban
Heather Cox Richardson
John Pavlovitz
Robert Reich
Joe Walsh
The Piedmont Raging Grannies
I feel it in my bones.
Voters in the previous elec…
We need them to step up and step out! NOW!
The leaders are stepping up!
20th at 7:30Tell a friend
Spring into Recovery!
However, Crockett does fight
Too bad influencers aren't sharing it.
Two amazing people.
Who would you wanna see join Sanders on his tour?
Kaine - VA
Cantwell - WA
Klobuchar - MN
Gillibrand - NY
Slotkin - MI
Alsobrooks - MD
Kelly - AZ
Hickenlooper - CO
Cortez Masto - NV
Ossoff - GA
OAC and Bernie wear theirs so well. Trend that look!!💪