It's nice to see whyte ppl standing and listening to two more ppl that told yall dumb ass not to vote for him, but yall knew better. Now, with less than 90 days in office yall want a mulligans? Hilarious 😂
It's happening. Believe me when I say this is the one thing that Musk/Trump fears more than anything else. No more will Americans allow the rich to take 99% of our money then say "let them eat cake". It didn't work out well for Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. Hit the streets whenever you can.
A reckoning is coming. The American people will not allow this. I’m concerned about his response, but he is not a king. Wake up, America! We can do this…together!
The last four months bring to mind the title of the Ellison short story, “I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream”. We need to find our mouths and use our voices to scream for the return of truth and democracy.
Secure borders? Energy independence? End to forever wars? What?
Oh … wait, I forgot. They’re advocating for open borders, men in women’s sports, death to energy independence, gov’t waste, and for the rights of Venezuelan gang members. 👍
That’s the best news I’ve heard. We can - with people like Bernie and AOC are doing what EVERY Democrat senator and every congressman/and woman should be doing: talking to citizens , by explaining the gravities and what we can and must do, and inspiring them !!
I was up in Greeley CO today and 10K people showed up
In the center of MAGA country. Very conservative rural area in
Northern Colorado. It was so exciting. People were frikin fired up. Power to the PEOPLE. STAND UP AMERICA!!!!!!
Now that song is in my head, "Power to the People." Been to a couple protests in Boise. People are fired up here too. We have the fortune of living about 25 blocks from the Capitol.
It needs to happen faster before trump declares war on “radical leftists”. After that, even the die hard magas who turn on him and protest will be “radical left”.
Yeah, the wealthy never seem to tire of telling everyone we just have to suffer till things are better because suffering for them is having to wipe their asses with one less $100 bill
Love it. I hope we start seeing this kind of response in the swing states. I actually have very little hope for it in the red states but even some of them must be questioning what is happening. Join an organization, hit the streets. Shut it down if necessary. Do not let trump consolidate power
You think there's going to be a meaningful election after you've already seen how trump reacts to losing?!? He'll never let that happen again. Check out how authoritarians neuter elections in ex-Soviet democracies. That's what's in store for the US.
Read some recent history, trump is following the same authoritarian play book that's been used plenty of times in the past. He's even said it himself. You don't need to worry about elections. "They are going to handle that for you"
Absolutely this. Just look at how Orban weakened democracy just enough to be able to suppress the vote. It happened with Lukashenko in Byelorus. Look at how Putin changed democracy in Russia. It's a Soviet model and it is naive to think those in power will hand over power freely. WAKE UP.
We all know that’s exactly what he’s going to try to do, but we at least have to TRY to slow down his agenda and piss him off enough to make him slip up. We need to try to buy 2 years. I know that sounds unrealistic but we have to fight like it will, or it definitely won’t.
I wonder if they will go to Florida soon. There are 2 House elections happening currently. Maybe it could help with getting those seats in those very red districts.
Awesome! This is the kind of stuff that makes Trump squirm in fear. We are more powerful than he is. It would be amazing if a million people surrounded the White House and called for his removal. The Democrats could arrange this. I would be there. How about you?
I just don't get it, We are all on the same side and yet all these big accounts like Krassenstein are Muting the same voices trying to Help with the Same Message. Why Are We ALWAYS Shooting Ourselves in the Foot.
Incredible stuff! No lies about their massive turnouts, and it's not an election year.
From the Crowd Counting Consortium, a collaborative research initiative by Harvard and the University of Connecticut: 28 of Trump’s rallies, saw an average of 5,600 people.
I just hope this helps educate them on what they've done, regardless of what it was: vote for trump, not vote, stay home, whatever. That this is what happens.
This is awesome. AOC and Bernie were in Tempe AZ, the state I live in and they had to turn people away. I think people are starting to realize what they voted for.
For people wanting the EVIDENCE.. you can go to Election Truth Aliance.. or I can remind you that Trump in still under indictment and his people have plead guilty to hacking of voting systems.. I know people forget but I don't
Plan?Cause you need to get to where people are listening tothe argument.For right nowTrump wins people who don’t like to think about politics.Problem theD’s have”the argument”is,how do you reach people when tuned out. BUT AS Bannon”You flood the zone with bullshit.The pipe of info is narrow for most
Elon Musk rigged the election. Democrats don't have the balls to challenge it. Trump and Leon's son admitted it fucking live.
" I don't need your votes"
" My daddy did it"
We are fucked.
Progressives need to put all hands on deck and steer this ship towards a better future. We need to care about the planet and the world that the next generation is going to grow up in. Right now things are looking quite dystopic, but there are more of us than there are of them (the oligarchs).
We're not moving anywhere. We're staying right here and taking back our country. Capitalists aren't trying to push liberals to leave, fascists are. Fascists will never win here, NEVER
Yes yes move so the rest of us can worship our overlord billionaires. I want to keep working a full time job that doesn’t pay the rent so my overlords can have more money to buy the government
you know, the one where you just get to make half-assed generic lib-bait ethics + morality outrage-bait and disenchantment + despair-farming replies on the internet all day
if you do it for free, that's like. so embarrassing 😬 donating to the 🎩bills 💸🔥
to express yourself, agree, but most if not all the other mentioned will bankrupt our country. If want to give something make sure you can afford it, easy for a politician to say free this free that, money does not come out her pocket. only if she cover everything from her personal account
Yet countries like Finland, Australia, NZ, Norway, Denmark and others manage to not be bankrupt while doing exactly what AOC is advocating for. The USA people have been brainwashed to believe that a socialist democracy is bad, when it's actually the opposite.
because they budget for it, if they have the funds they provide the service, they don't just randomly come up with a law that requires government to provide this and that for free.
Where do you think the money comes from? Through taxes. Yet the people are not onerously taxed - it's fair & distributed. Laws are in place - our minimum wage is mandated by law. Paid annual leave (4 weeks) is mandated by law. Paid parental leave for 6 mths - by law. Etc
you know how many kids come to our country from all over the world looking for help from our doctors. yeah they are not bankrupt because they only provide healthcare they can afford. Nothing for free. you know how many people get ER care and surgery from our hospitals without ever paying a penny.
Americans are organizing and resisting the Republican Regime. Only today AOC and Sanders have touched 45,000 Americans in Republican Regime areas. Keep organizing and protesting.
Right? And where is Harris? She asked me to follow her; believe in her vision for America…then she lost her race & we haven’t heard from her since! Actions, or rather inaction speaks volumes to me!
The Constitution does not mention overthrowing a president by force or popular uprising. Instead, it relies on legal, procedural mechanisms to ensure accountability and orderly transfer of power.
Looks like your fucked America.
The billionaires in collaboration with the republican&democratic party. Will do this to all of us Peasants. Rich straight people of course will help. We need to make them afraid. There's over 346 million Americans. We can wipe out our problem. Urban guerella style.
Took 1 1/2 hours to get in - I had friends that bailed the lines and sat outside the parameter- the crowd inside and outside the fences were insane! It was peaceful-people young -old - every walk of life- ❤️❤️❤️
Yeah, Progressives picking up the slack again that dems like 50501 have left and we about to go to jail in zip ties now for. They are 2 and a half months to late to the party!
Welcome to the party, but it isn't fair to Bernie or AOC to call them democrats when they have taken the brunt of democrats for over 10 years. We are not Democrats. We do not agree with their policies at all. AOC is an OG Nasty Women, and if you don't know what that is, it says it all.
You have to admit, it's pretty amusing that democrats decided out of the blue that in 2025 they no longer want billionaires having sway over our elected officials.
However they were perfectly fine this entire time. 👍
If Bernie never ran in 2016 we wouldn’t have ever had trump. But here we are. So dems are supporting a fighter like AOC to combat trumps lies and misinformation. That’s why we are here.
Well, looks like a lot of people in America want more social society but 'socialism' has been used as a scare word for decades so they get confused.
They want healthcare, pensions, worker protection, job security but when they head socialism they say - NoNoNo 😁
Sorry not sorry, get your facts right
Sanders knows the power that capitalism has over the US. He knew he wouldn’t win, but he definitely shook things up and shined a light on corruption within the DNC.
To do the most good for his constituents — who he SERVES — he continued on. He never stopped but refocused.
Easy to agree, (and I do) but obviously it would have been difficult. If he had, I think he would have pushed orange out and the election could've been old Democrats against Bernie.
But can't agree, he has never been a good little anything. Obama pushed him out, plain and simple.
It’s a wonderful positive thing to witness! We’re all petrified of what’s happening & needed a voice guiding us on how to fight back. This crowd shows we the people care & want to defend the Democracy we live in. There is more of us then the destructive maga cult
AOC is one of those rare people who seem to break the laws of thermodynamics; by somehow, inconceivably, being more amazing on the inside than on the outside!
In all this, I still can't believe people voted for Boebert. It just blows my mind, same with Trumpskin the first time let alone people saying they voted for him 3 times. I'm praying for the next generation 🙏
Let’s be real….Senator Sanders is sharp now but he will be 88 years old by the time 2028 Presidential election takes place and he will be 92 years old after his first term🤔
I am so proud of my state. First we fly the Colorado and Canadian flags together at the Capitol and than we have a big Mile high welcome for Bernie and AOC.
This is a beautiful thing! Bernie Sanders and AOC have awakened the American population and, together, are unifying our country crowd by crowd, against the Trump Regime!
This needs to be televised .. show them we are doing something.. they are not getting away with their BS they think pulling it faster won’t dig in snd act out!
More and more countries in the world are led by autocratic leaders. The United States is the latest in the line. Even countries in Europe, such as Hungary and Turkey, are Autocracies where democracy has been limited. We are heading towards dark times for humanity.
Stop Trump and stop the madness.
Feel The Bern , what can i say ? Who wouldn't want an Uncle Bernie when their jobs severely threatened by potential unlawful employment practices , still think he is a communist ? Folks , think again please
Hillary? Uncle Bernie biggest obstacle is Superpacs , not Hillary , that will bring us full circle to Oligarchy , Citizens United , Special Interests .. the system is broken
Uncle Bernie's heart and head is in right place , he is just need level headed economists to trimmed his policies down to the right fit to avoid debt ceiling crisis , frankly that can be done , as for the measure of the man , Bernie Sanders is legitly one of America's finest sons
Senator Sanders did not lose to anyone , he just refused to be dictated by how the flawed system wants him to represented , he went against the grain , swam against the tide , it will be that same system he'll be up against but ya can be sure Uncle Bernie will not kneel to win like others
Yes she is right about the old man , i dun think there's anything to take away from her, as far as Intelligence in geopolitical posturing and threats to democracy , she is a million times more astute than that old clueless goat
Thank you AOC & Bernie. People be prepared for Trumps Jan 6 pardoned goons infiltrating protests to start violence and unrest in the streets. Trump wants enough of this to happen, so he can send in the troops and declare martial law. ~peace out~
sorry, but 34 ? this is fucking pathetic. More people is protesting at Europe, cause soup was too salty. Dear americans, you got lazy, too comfy, so move your fucking fat mc'asses and fight for your freedom. 1000000 is wow, 34000 is fucking pathetic for Denver
Not the win for democracy you think it is. Bernie's pushing for a permanent split from the Dem Party which, in effect, would allow the GOPQ to continue to win.
This is on the do-called democratic leadership. Bernie and AOC are pushing for no such thing, but the people will demand it if the Democratic Party can’t get their act together. They should probably get busy.
Ordinarily I’d agree but maybe it’s time for the Dems to take up Bernie/AOC’s charge. If Democratic Party would would start sounding like these 2 brave defenders, maybe they’d win an election.
This is no time for splitting hairs. We have one common enemy who's the most pressing issue right now, and I dare say more people in this camp can find common ground with Bernie than Trump. Everything else can be worked out later.
I love how the corporate media is trying to spin this. Bernie and AOC are stating that the majority of the Democrats are funded by corporate interest, and it's time to get rid of the money in politics. But corporations don't want that. The swamp is your corporate interest.
This☝🏻 I would not trust a word the NYT says anymore. They’re lying to earn favor with the regime. It’s ALL corporate interests and I would like to never vote for someone who takes corporate money again.
This is what democracy looks like!!! Meanwhile. In NY... we have Chuck on a book tour when he COULD be holding a rally in NY 21st congressional district. But, alas... sigh...
Right right but what we really need to do is try to placate the oligarchs and Nazis and move the Democratic party to the right, not lean into the energy of this moment and listen to what AOC and Bernie have to say - I mean clearly they haven't been able to tap into the zeitgeist or anything
#FelonDon Trump, (F)elon Musk, the billionaire #TechBroligarchs, #Project1860 scum & #GQP🐘😵💫🧟♂️🧟♀️ #MAGAtQcult r so fuqking baked into👺☠️FASCISM in a country🇺🇸that has NEVER BOWED🖕to it‼️
What Trump’s “UNWOKE ELITES” don’t understand is a TECTONIC🫨POPULAR✊UPRISING IS BREWING from ENTIRE political🌈🗽spectrum‼️
Centrist democrats need to look at these crowds realize it is not progressives holding the party back. We need more fighters like AOC, Bernie, and Jasmine Crockett!
Seriously! They’ve been trying so hard to appeal to the “middle” (which is actually just the right, in America) when most of us with sense are further left than that. At least the younger democrats. If they want the massively blue young voters to turn out, GIVE US THE PROGRESSIVES WE WANT!!!
I just saw another article about how 45% of democrats want to be MORE moderate, about 23% want to stay the same and about 27% want to be more liberal. I have a really very hard time believing those numbers.
Well consider the source. And I will believe a poll - only if it is totally transparent- WHO is: asking the ?s; paying for the poll; is being asked the questions (all the demographics) What are the ?-s being asked? How are ?s being asked? So many ways to skew a poll. People showing up is no lie.
Centrist, progressive, moderate- these are terms of division. Progressive Ro Khanna missed the Oversight Committee vote to subpoena musk. It failed by one. Centrist Joe Biden’s ARP lifted half of children living in poverty above that line; if BBB had passed those provisions would have become
permanent. But liberal Obama called it “too much change too fast for some people.”
Where were the petitions to Congress at this rally? Where was the support for 3 Democrats who could flip the House? Where are the rallies in pink areas of red states?
These are campaign rallies at the wrong time.
I understand your point, but what would be the goal of telling people that they didn't listen.
Harris did a lot. She does need to campaign anymore.
Waltz decided to get involved.
Does he plan to run for office?
It would do Trump's head in , just as he tries to do everyday by flooding the zone. If if it's just a one off event - I think it would have positive impact
That would be interesting since Katie Porter threw her hat in the rink for California governor as well. And she is FANTASTIC as we could see her in action.
Can someone use small words and explain to me why more dem representatives aren't showing up to participate in these events? And I mean ALL elected dems from dog catcher to the state house to congress.
No, they’re not cowards. I am watching several congressmen (and
AOC) in the last hour on MSNBC. Of course Trump is threatening to shut the network down.
What works is historically very well documented. It's not an unknown. They just haven't had the courage to do it. Dem leadership has proven to be terrible.
I disagree. What works in some eras doesn't necessarily work in others. What the SNCC did in the 60s may not work now. We can borrow ideas from the past, but modernize them for today. The U.S. is in an ideological battle. We have to be strategic going forward.
This is way bigger than the SNCC in the 60's & has nothing to do with "areas." This is not only civil rights, they're only a part of this battle. This is your ENTIRE COUNTRY being taken over by a lawless, fascist regime & there are proven steps to defeat fascist takeover.
I hear what you are saying yes this could’ve been avoided in November but we can’t change that but we can work on getting in the drivers seat and directing this energy towards the future we deserve.
Weather was perfect-nice to have been surrounded by like minded people. One thing I especially liked was the mother and her grown daughter that have been attending rallies together since the daughter was in a stroller.
It's all of us against the billionaires.
Thank you Bernie and AOC.
Guy: “Do liberals take it?”
Doctor: “Well… yeah.”
Guy: “Then I’d rather die.”
Doctor: “Okay, but it’s free.”
Guy: suddenly revives in anger “FREE?! THAT'S SOCIALISM!!”
But they FEEL this.
So can I come by your place and FUCK UP your SHIT? Please post your address and Times you are not home.
Secure borders? Energy independence? End to forever wars? What?
Oh … wait, I forgot. They’re advocating for open borders, men in women’s sports, death to energy independence, gov’t waste, and for the rights of Venezuelan gang members. 👍
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
She also lost every swing state and lost ground among every traditionally liberal constituency.
This is how we do it😉
In the center of MAGA country. Very conservative rural area in
Northern Colorado. It was so exciting. People were frikin fired up. Power to the PEOPLE. STAND UP AMERICA!!!!!!
Elmo said we’re going to have to suffer—-the only one that needs to suffer is THEM.
April 5th #Handsoff
From the Crowd Counting Consortium, a collaborative research initiative by Harvard and the University of Connecticut: 28 of Trump’s rallies, saw an average of 5,600 people.
Tell us again that he didn't cheat?
What I wonder is how many of those bureaucrats are MAGA, who didn’t give a shit how others were harmed.
#resist #resistfascism
" I don't need your votes"
" My daddy did it"
We are fucked.
We’re a capitalist country.
We’re the only one of the top 32 countries in the world without universal healthcare.
you know, the one where you just get to make half-assed generic lib-bait ethics + morality outrage-bait and disenchantment + despair-farming replies on the internet all day
if you do it for free, that's like. so embarrassing 😬 donating to the 🎩bills 💸🔥
Why should healthcare only be for the wealthy?
Looks like your fucked America.
The billionaires in collaboration with the republican&democratic party. Will do this to all of us Peasants. Rich straight people of course will help. We need to make them afraid. There's over 346 million Americans. We can wipe out our problem. Urban guerella style.
However they were perfectly fine this entire time. 👍
This is the same person who got bullied on the senate floor by Nancy Pelosi and then CRIED and changed her vote. 😂
You must have a short memory. 👍
That’s part of why our system is so flawed.
It’s always us vs them, one against the other, no other realistic options.
Just trapped with 2 shitty choices, picking the less shitty of the two.
We can all do better.
The republican party is doing great. The party is mostly doing exactly what their voters wanted.
The democrats are the ones pointing fingers and refusing to take accountability.
The republican party is dead.
Magats are not traditional Republicans, not that I’ve ever been a big fan of them either.
The Democratic party has been totally out of touch for a long time.
They’re all members of
Remember that?
He would’ve won in 2016.
By the way he's not a socialist, he is a social democrat
They want healthcare, pensions, worker protection, job security but when they head socialism they say - NoNoNo 😁
Sorry not sorry, get your facts right
To do the most good for his constituents — who he SERVES — he continued on. He never stopped but refocused.
But can't agree, he has never been a good little anything. Obama pushed him out, plain and simple.
Cause if they don't then all this was for nothing.
Cheeto isn't going without a fight, and you'll need to remove your kid gloves if you want your country back.
But, I worry for their safety in these huge outdoor can they be secure enough from a lunatic MAGAt?
But still I worry for them...they have been itching to cause problems, and that would be the perfect way to do it.
Stop Trump and stop the madness.
Cool! LFG! 🇺🇸
Just don't whine for Dems to fix what you help break later.
Not sure why so many Dems knock Joe, Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin for their age but think 83 year old Bernie is their savior.
READ the article.
What Trump’s “UNWOKE ELITES” don’t understand is a TECTONIC🫨POPULAR✊UPRISING IS BREWING from ENTIRE political🌈🗽spectrum‼️
Where were the petitions to Congress at this rally? Where was the support for 3 Democrats who could flip the House? Where are the rallies in pink areas of red states?
These are campaign rallies at the wrong time.
Buttigieg has been going on tv interviews, I'd imagine him starting to do rallies sometime soon..
Harris, Obama, Clinton, AOC, Bernie, Kelly, Walz, let's go! Schumer time to retire! Take Fetterman, Gillard, and everyone that is lost in space.
Harris did a lot. She does need to campaign anymore.
Waltz decided to get involved.
Does he plan to run for office?
I am not sure she wants to do it again.
She is very quiet.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more names joining Bernie and AOC soon though.
AOC) in the last hour on MSNBC. Of course Trump is threatening to shut the network down.