quickly changing the song. And wiping his eyes with his forearm. “Pfft, yeah totally. . . I uh, I was method acting for this undercover mission I totally have to do.”
Clint cleared his throat then looked down at his mug, then back up at her. “It’s my second superpower, after aim. . and oversleeping
"Uh huuuuh... Why do not I not believe that." She crossed her arms under her chest, shaking her head before giving a playful smirk.
"Hey, oversleeping is a decent power! Sometimes we have to kick some baddie ass in the dreamscape." A small chuckle escaped her as she walked over, taking a seat
beside him, her arms remaining crossed. "So, mister method actor, you want some practice with a buddy this time? I'm a pretty good audience and listener."
“I-. . uh, sure. I’d like that, I could probably use it-“ he replied, genuinely appreciative. Then his voice cracked and he’d clear his throat, scared of showing the slightest bit of vulnerability.
“for my undercover performance. . . and all” he deflected, letting out an exhausted sigh.
Clint cleared his throat then looked down at his mug, then back up at her. “It’s my second superpower, after aim. . and oversleeping
"Hey, oversleeping is a decent power! Sometimes we have to kick some baddie ass in the dreamscape." A small chuckle escaped her as she walked over, taking a seat
“for my undercover performance. . . and all” he deflected, letting out an exhausted sigh.
he shrugged “I just feel less capable, less confident and definitely undeserving of being an Avenger or having any of that status.”
he glanced at her, thankful his sunglasses hid his gaze, or so he thought.
“how was that?” he questioned, he was being genuine, everything he said was authentic. Yet, he still played off the act.