Transitioning isn't JUST a medical thing. It's a social thing. It's a personal thing. It's so many things. As long as you are exploring your gender, know you aren't cis, and know that you do want to change things (regardless of whether that means hormones or not), you're trans.
Transitioning isn't JUST a medical thing. It's a social thing. It's a personal thing. It's so many things. As long as you are exploring your gender, know you aren't cis, and know that you do want to change things (regardless of whether that means hormones or not), you're trans.
I’m gonna sound like a huge dumbass, but I asked this anonymously less because I’m not safe(I’m in a great area with great, supportive friends) and more cause…I was worried about whether or not it was a dumb question…(Cause my brain is dumb 😶)
For other health reasons, I need to get some bloodwork done first next week aaaand yell at my insurance over something stupid regarding the pharmacy(They’re claimed I’m locked into a certain pharmacy when I know that is NOT the case)
I'm super glad your friends support you, this is so much easier that way ❤️
I literally wouldn’t be here without them 😂