ok you haven't demonstrated that, you demonstrated it for a single year, beyond that unless you're going to prove the vast majority of them get solved, which is clearly not the case, then my larger point about it not being that surprising stands.
Not in Scotland. Our murder detection rate is over 90%. Seems like giving a bunch of dipshits $5bn is the problem, not the actual skills of police officers...
Probably helps to have police who are local members of the community and not goons who fly in from out of state to collect a paycheck and abuse HGH and amphetamines.
Yeah, but I guess I'm saying, the community having dialogue and trust between fellow members of the community probably makes a big difference. No NYC officers live in NYC and many straight up live out of state.
That's before the whole only issues tickets and assaults people thing.
Having worked directly with the police in Scotland for over a decade, I can assure you that they are not popular here, and that it's advised that an officer doesn't live in their patrol area. Not forbidden, but EXTREMELY rare.
Interesting. I would have expected them to be popular with those clearance numbers. What do you think makes the difference between Scottish clearance numbers and American clearance numbers?
I am going to go out on a limb and say that police claiming to have solved a case, and the correct culprit having been identified are not identical things.
It just happens to be something with which I'm familiar. We have great hills, delicious tap water, and solid murder detection rates. We invented golf, the hypodermic needle, the steam engine, and penicillin too. I like Scottish stuff 😂
I’ll be honest, I’m not familiar with the term detection rate. Clearances rate is percentage that result in an arrest. Some of that will be found not guilty or get dropped by the prosecution.
It seems like detection rate is similar in the UK, from my googling.
Clearance rates include crimes that are removed from the record without being solved, detection rates specify crimes in which someone has been identified as having committed a crime.
Riot gear weapons, and massive armored vehicles don’t solve murders. Why would American cops want to solve actual crimes when they can play with military surplus toys instead?
Just for anyone who happens across this; I was being flippant, but he is one of Scotland's most notorious murderers because he killed three people in the late 60s and wasn't caught. 60 years later, someone who killed THREE people is still notorious here.
NYC has a population of 8 million. Scotland has 6 million or so, across myriad landscapes and towns. There are challenges when it comes to both... But we don't have many guns and our murders tend to be easier to solve because they're domestic or intra-criminal
Yes no disagreement meant more that the Scottish police/government/society in general are doing the most important part of stopping murders happening in the first place. Knowing you will be caught and also not being able to obtain a gun are really significant deterrents.
Glasgow is famous worldwide in the way that we stopped knife crime! We even changed the colour of our streetlights, did an amnesty on knives and went from the knife crime capital of Europe to being unimportant
That's before the whole only issues tickets and assaults people thing.
The US is around 5.8/100,000
Though also a high chance of getting caught keeps down the rate.
Chicken and egg a bit
Almost every murder here is between two known criminals, or domestic. Fucking easy to solve when you've had eyes on the cunts, or they lived together.
I am going to go out on a limb and say that police claiming to have solved a case, and the correct culprit having been identified are not identical things.
But it's a really low bar.
That being said I stand by my claim.
It seems like detection rate is similar in the UK, from my googling.
(theya re an even bigger joke that you thought)