The DoorDash discourse has been done to death, but I really do wonder about the vision of disability that people are advocating and why they’re advocating it. There is essentially no claim we can make universally, every suggested behavior comes with a billion caveats, why need this be offensive
This makes us hyper aware of how people view us as disposable, and in turn makes us fight tooth and nail for our rights.
We’re so often forgot about as well, in our society. That also makes us hyper aware off our need to let people know we exist. So ‘stop using doordash’ is easily seen as ‘disabled ppl don’t exist’.
It’s not always rational, but it does make sense,
And tbh, look at lots of comments on disabled ppl talking about our need for things like doordash. The ableism is rife. And it furthers the hypersensitivity a lot of us have when it comes to discussions about things like doordash.
It’s rough y’know?
It’s not as easy as you’re making it out to be. There’s a lot more emotions involved in discussions like this.
Plus the neutral takes are drowned out by the harsher ones.
We just want to be able to get a plastic straw if we need one. That’s it.
The others often get misunderstood, or drowned out.
We just want to be heard y’know? And included. That’s pretty much always our goal.
The system needs to change, there shouldn’t be sub-minimum wage jobs, and disabled people should be able to have food delivered. Both are true.
It's just not such a terrible thing to be doing