Contact one of the 3 credit bureaus. Lock down your credit. They will share your wishes with the other 2 bureaus.
Reposted from
Christopher Webb
Folks, I can’t stress this enough:
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
Lock your credit!
When I freezed my accounts, each one told me I needed to contact the other two bureaus myself right as I was submitting.
Maybe this happens sometimes but it specifically said that it wouldn't so I wouldn't rely on it.
Contact all 3 directly