with every tease of his, her face reddened further. it was all in good nature, she knew, yet it flustered her all the same. that was simply boothill's nature, and she could not fault him for that. in fact, she admired him for it.
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large, doe-like eyes looked up at him, framed by quivering lashes. his hands enveloped her own, and she felt warm. so warm, so /loved/. the galaxy ranger never failed to bring a smile to her face.
"i love you too, boothill," a small whisper, managed through an unsteady voice.
her cheek rested against his sternum, where she took several moments to collect her thoughts in silence.
robin was most certainly one who always knew the right things to say and do, but this was one of the rare occasions where she found herself at a loss for words.
whatever it was that she wanted to say would not convey the magnitude of her feelings.
"i know what i want more than anything is to be with you. from the beginning, you've always put me and my feelings first.. and for that, i am immensely grateful."
"i love you too, boothill," a small whisper, managed through an unsteady voice.
robin was most certainly one who always knew the right things to say and do, but this was one of the rare occasions where she found herself at a loss for words.
"i know what i want more than anything is to be with you. from the beginning, you've always put me and my feelings first.. and for that, i am immensely grateful."