I just do not find it very fun. It’s a game that I find very frustrating and just no where near as tightly designed as even it’s predecessor. The time travel mechanic is cool on paper but made essentially pointless by the Time Stones accomplishing the same thing.
And even when taking the Time Stones out of the equation, I don’t think exploring and hunting for the generators in each stage is fun either, because doing so is tedious and boring given the minimalist nature of Sonic’s moveset and how “random bullshit go” the level design can be
I can understand why people would latch onto most Sonic games, (even the “bad” ones like 06) but I genuinely do not understand it with CD, especially when someone says it’s their favorite Classic Sonic game. Everyone can have their own opinion of course, but I don’t get it at all
But with that said, I still think the game is like… whatever? I can play it and kinda enjoy it, which I can’t really say the same for when it comes to Shadow 05 or the release version of 06. But at the same time it’s probably the Sonic game I have the strongest negative opinion on, so I’m conflicted
Fair enough, I can't really say I feel the same way but i understand where you're coming from. Whilst CD is far from my favourite classic sonic title, I think the value it brings in its strong presentation and the exploration focused design makes me enjoy it a lot more than I would normally