Oh,so now were blaming Obama for complex geopolitical conflicts while Trump was cozying up to dictators and fueling chaos at home and abroad?Libya and Syria were war zones LONG before ObamaMeanwhile,Trump ADMITS hed let Putin do whatever he wantsTHAT’S the difference between leadership and surrender
The Putin 'divide and conquer' strategy in Africa and the Middle East has been successful. It pulled focus, to some extent at least, from his activities in, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia etc., but not so much from Ukraine. Either Trump doesn't care, or he's just too stupid
Obama faced sabotage from day one. On Jan 20, 2009, GOP leaders (McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, Gingrich) vowed to block EVERYTHING he proposed – even GOP-backed ideas. Yet Obama passed the Affordable Care Act, saved the auto industry, killed Bin Laden, and restored global respect. THAT’S leadership. 👊
Too big to fail! How does Boeing have a three year production issue, doors flying off in flight, and tuberculosis, measles, and whooping cough flying around keep the industry a float. Thanks for supporting the genocide in the Congo and not better public transportation. I hope your EV was worth it.
Obama led with integrity despite GOP sabotage — but he’s not responsible for the Democrats’ current weakness. Trump thrives on fear and division. The real question isn’t where Obama is — it’s why the Democrats STILL can’t unite to stop a fascist threat.
You bang on about his “integrity”. But when American “democracy” is threatened he isn’t inclined to speak out or offer leadership? Where’s Clinton? Where’s feeble old Biden? Too polite to speak out.
The Democrats, with a few honourable exceptions, are a pathetic opposition offering no resistance.
The Democrats, with a few honourable exceptions, are a pathetic opposition offering no resistance.