Guessing $20000 a month for each of the employees?? HAHAHAHA wow no
note: I am not complaining about my salary but absolutely not, no
note: I am not complaining about my salary but absolutely not, no
Reposted from
Did Dragon Age: The Veilguard undersell or face unrealistic expectations?
They think the $$ the shareholders and c-suite are pocketing is going to the devs for some reason.
Also, I wouldn't have been driving a rustbucket of a car.
(Well, it's a lot less. We still have health/vision/optical/dentist/prescription benefits)
And that feels like "lets just imagine the worst case." This is like the laughably worst case upper bounds of costs hahaha.
(obligatory "there are many people out there who would be so so grateful for 40k and I am not complaining" disclaimer
(Sorry to imply any lack of journalistic due diligence. Figured someone was talking to an executive :D)
Not everyone can be a Microsoft, Rockstar, etc.
Probably more complicated considering the need for continuous growth, etc