“Why don’t cyclists use cycle lanes”?
Because motorists often park in them, making them more dangerous than just using the road.
If you want cyclists to use cycle lanes, don’t park in them. A simple concept, even for those who’ve outsourced their cognitive functions to their beloved metal box.
Because motorists often park in them, making them more dangerous than just using the road.
If you want cyclists to use cycle lanes, don’t park in them. A simple concept, even for those who’ve outsourced their cognitive functions to their beloved metal box.
I do feel that a lot of investments have been wasted by not providing fit for purpose infrastructure which ends up pleasing nobody.
In most places in the US the response from the cyclist is "What bike lane?"
I’m lucky as Leeds has provided a good network covering all arterial roads into the city centre, however, often blighted by motorists.
Also - we don't have to 👍
Though if you take the words of some of the most notoriously ill informed anti-cyclist weirdos, as a cyclist you’re apparently tax exempt.
However, not one of them has been good enough to write to the treasury on my behalf to request my life changing tax rebate.
Oh, and they're also used as extra parking. 😒