Amazon has never interested me, right from the start it seemed hinky and I never bothered to use it for anything. If we cant get it locally we dont need it. Period.
It was just lip service anyway. Going along with the political flow of the politicians. This is probably closer to their actual philosophy - I believe nothing except $.
I'm sorry to have to leave Amazon, it is rather convenient and sometimes saves money. And since they no longer have 5&10's, you con find things that are hard to find elsewhere. But Lord love a duck!
I’ve canceled all of my Amazon subscriptions and am shopping for a replacement for my Amazon credit card. I really hope more people do the same - and fast!! #cancelamazon #boycottamazon
There's signs about diversity and LGBTQ+ all over Amazon warehouses and sorting stations. But I'm pretty sure this is only about what shareholders and oligarchs can see, not the stuff the low-level working grunts get forced to listen to on actual job sites.
Brian Kemp has always been an asshole. I’m just shocked the rest of the leadership are going along with it but, it lets you know exactly who they are and who they were pretending to be to stuff their pockets
All the money available and he and his fiancee go cheap on the cosmetic surgeons. Question - if your mouth reaches your ears, does the top of your head flip all the way back? Asking for a friend. Those two are meant for each other.
I just unenrolled from my Amazon account, and my cash rewards will be sent to me. I know it won’t affect Bezos, but at least I’m done filling his coffers.
I’m finding it a bit difficult to decide who I despise most. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Rubert Murdoch, or Elon Musk. I think they all deserve first place and the hottest place in hell.
Well Murdoch lost in London high court case against Prince Harry this week. Good news 🫶🏼🥰 he had to apologize and acknowledged he was hacking his phone 📞 and other people like his mother Princesse Diana
If I’m stuck with Costco, they really need to improve their women’s clothing selection and provide smaller size staples. I cannot wear cargo pants and fleece sweatshirts every day, nor eat 20 pounds of cereal.
My Prime is due to renew in two days. I cancelled. I’ll miss Whole Foods but honestly it’s not been the same since Amazon bought it. His real money is made with Amazon Cloud though. But my cancellation makes me feel better.
Boycotting Amazon is going to be really hard, it requires people to wait for their items or go them at a physical store and ain’t nobody got time for that. 😪
I view it as similar to when Americans gave up certain comfort items during the war in order to help the war effort. It’s a sacrifice but for a worthy cause. Defunding the greed.
Wow! Imagine being one man with more money than most countries, yet being dragged around by the testicles by a failed casino owner and diaper-wearing moron.
BOYCOTT AMAZON. I started on Monday. I will not give that company one more cent. I lived just fine before the site existed, and I will be just fine without it. The world will be a better place in so many ways if we could make this a movement
Can Amazon continue to trade in Countries that have these protections enshrined in their local laws? Sounds like Amazon UK and others may be getting themselves into deep legal waters.
Take out the middlemen support small businesses directly!!!
I’ve offered alt platforms & resources to do so
I’d appreciate anyone seeing this to take a look, all I ask is share it with someone
We propped them up, we can take them down 💚
I’m enraged.
Couple of years ago...