introduce yourself with your worst feedback from school
Hi, this is Raven. They are great at making synopsis for writing and making concepts but when it comes to actually writing, they need work.
If only my English teacher saw me now doing fully literate RP's and fanfic...
Hi, this is Raven. They are great at making synopsis for writing and making concepts but when it comes to actually writing, they need work.
If only my English teacher saw me now doing fully literate RP's and fanfic...
Reposted from
Aira ✦₊⊹
introduce yourself with your worst feedback from school
Hi, this is Aira. Her original projects are too experimental and will NEVER be considered by a publisher (funny af because I was told this during my art school final exam, right as I was trying to say I want to take the self-production route)
Hi, this is Aira. Her original projects are too experimental and will NEVER be considered by a publisher (funny af because I was told this during my art school final exam, right as I was trying to say I want to take the self-production route)