“You were away on business, Dear, when our daughter became a vampire. She returned home and made me her Thrall. You will be too, Dear. We all will soon.”
“No, I am Michelle, Mistress’s Pet.”
“Oh, Mother, come join your husband at my feet.”
“No…I…yes, Mistress.”
“Good Thralls.”
“No, I am Michelle, Mistress’s Pet.”
“Oh, Mother, come join your husband at my feet.”
“No…I…yes, Mistress.”
“Good Thralls.”
"Hey, sis- what's good?"
"Welcome home, brother"
"Cool, cool. So who was Mom making out with in the kitchen?"
"Father of course."
"Finally decided to crack the egg-shell? Good for her!"
"Hehe. Silly brother ~💖"