do laws matter in the usa if they are not enforced, let alone evenly? do elected officials matter when they do not listen to or act based on constituents needs and concerns? is there still a democratic republic in the usa? seriously dark passing thoughts.
How we answer the questions is going to be really freaking important.
Can democracy return?
Theoretically but I doubt there is sufficient integrity or willpower to make it happen.
Terrifying for the US and scary for the entire planet 😱🌏😱
Without trying to sound religious; I’m praying for a positive outcome 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Want to self-deal or steal at your company? All the cool kids are doing it 🚀
Being from China you become all too familiar with this dynamic. It starts with Xi and turns into parking lot attendees asking you for a pack of cigarettes