To those who say the Scottish NHS is in disarray because of the SNP - you are grossly misinformed.
The Scottish NHS is performing far better than England and is suffering from 14 years of Tory cuts, lack of investment and privatisation foisted on us by extreme right wing Tory ideology.
The Scottish NHS is performing far better than England and is suffering from 14 years of Tory cuts, lack of investment and privatisation foisted on us by extreme right wing Tory ideology.
I can assure you the Scots NHS is far superior .
though that said ..
. the NHS staff in Eng are gems ,hard working caring people ..London alone has more folks than the whole of Alba .
14 years of TORY ATTACKS put the NHS on the brink
Oh what a surprise! Another " NHS is rubbish we must scrap this model of healthcare’ article". There’s nothing wrong with the NHS’s model. What’s wrong is that politicians have decimated the service and are now trying to convince us it’s the NHS’s fault.
SNHS is doing remarkably well considering.
I managed 9 years in London, not front line though.
Remember we rattled our pots and pans for them during Covid, now they’re treated worse than ever before.
Thankfully I have not witnessed and received nothing but excellent care and kindness from SNHS staff. 💙💙