Let's talk about marine isopods, the roly-polies of the sea. This is Bathynomus giganteus, the largest of 1000's of species that live in dark, deep, cold waters of the ocean where they feed on dead things that fall to the bottom (including whales!)
They're crustaceans but with unusual traits...
They're crustaceans but with unusual traits...
They acclimate them using pressurized tanks until they're able to live in standard tanks. I'm not sure exactly what that looks like or how long it takes, but it's a bonus for lovers of public aquariums!
The triangular eyes are made of thousands of individual facets with membranes (tapetum lucidum) that amplify the near-darkness of their home.
Their giant size may be an example of abyssal gigantism, which I have a thread about if you'd like to learn more.
Like vultures, they ensure that the ocean bottom recycles dead and decaying animals. Helpful, if a little bit creepy.
(kidding! This is a joke)
Monterey Bay Aquarium link:
Aquarium of the Pacific:
Maybe we'll luck out and someone else will share a correct image of isopods working on carcasses?
Meanwhile, some of the other detritovores:
no thanks