The NASA solar space probe set a speed record for any human-made object, traveling at 635,266 km/h on Sept. 27 as it orbited the Sun, thanks to a speed boost from a Venus flyby.
But I want to talk about the "manhole cover" from Operation Plumbbob that traveled NEARLY as fast (maybe).
But I want to talk about the "manhole cover" from Operation Plumbbob that traveled NEARLY as fast (maybe).
The first, Pascal A, was the brainchild of Los Alamos physicist Richard Brownlee. Placed in a 500 ft (150 m) borehole, it had 50,000X expected yield.
For Pascal B (Aug 1957), they wanted to see if they could create a temporary cap with 900-kilogram (2,000 lb) iron lid welded to the concrete and iron borehole casing.
Brownlee assured them it wouldn't hold.
The lower limit of its velocity is 60 kilometres per second = 216,000 km/hr, or 134,000 miles/hr, which is 5-6 times Earth's escape velocity. debunks this, puts some math and reality in play in an interesting video.