Because of state laws. Look up what percentage or number of votes would cause an automatic recount or allow a candidate to ask for a recount. That's why Harris didn't ask for recounts.
And if this is so what's being done about it? Will it even matter to three weeks? I said from the beginning; there's no way he won all 7 swing states. It's one thing to say it, another to prove it, and yet another to do something substantial about it.
I can't sleep, I feel nauseous all the time. And I don't see enough collective urgency from the dems. The real issue is the R's are fine with it all. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT! We are turning into a fascist state and Trump will never leave. Who will remove him? How?
Midterms!!!!!! He'll not live forever, and way too many are not only mad, hurt but learned their lesson because they are suffering. It'll get worse but (i hate to say it) it's probably necessary. Gop=enemy=nazi
Agreed. But there have been multiple outlets showing same inconsistencies… and impossible that all 7 swing states went one way. Numbers do not do those kinds of patterns. What was her point in not fighting? That it might be worse!?? Lol
Yes, maybe she knew we have a very broken system. I only hope something is going to somehow stop the villain....more than one, and yes i smelled a rat.
0.0078% equates to 12,821 to 1, not 35,000,000,000 to 1. These odds also assume that the models we constructed are completely accurate, that the polling data on which the models were built was completely reliable.
Fuck Trump, but let's not use bad math to prove it.
And yet you'll see that he wins all three races for vacated seats over the next couple of months. DNC should demand a hand recount in all three. What in the world do we have to lose?
That’s not “we”. So now it’s the responsibility of “us” to prevent the stupidity of “we” from hurting “us”.
If you don’t feel that sense of responsibility, I won’t judge you. But then you are indistinguishable from the “we” that the rest of “us” have to counteract.
Fuck Trump, but let's not use bad math to prove it.
Do that now.
If you don’t feel that sense of responsibility, I won’t judge you. But then you are indistinguishable from the “we” that the rest of “us” have to counteract.