The left is waiting for the leader to step up.
That’s what is missing.
The focal point of a leader for the resistance movement.
An opposition leader.
That’s what is missing.
The focal point of a leader for the resistance movement.
An opposition leader.
Miss "Met Gala/My Political Base Is Astoria" fucking sucks and always has. And she's never written or passed a single bill.
I'm a rather new Dem but a boomer and I'm with her on everything.
We. Are. On. Our. Own.
We need to step up and BE leaders. That's how successful resistance works. (Or as the zen master's say: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." And not a moment before.)
Big Gretch?
Pritzer ? (sp?)
What they need to do is form a strong leadership group across the political, business and community sectors as a unified front and then the ones that want to run in 28 can emerge and bury the filth!