I am truly terrified for Hamdan. If you don’t know who Hamdan Ballal is, he is the director of No Other Land and he and Yuval both won the Oscar for Best Documentary this year
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Who's looking for him, exactly? 'Found' implied access to the sellers, which the Palestinians don't have, or police intervention, which doesn't happen on behalf of the Palestinians.
"Hamdan Ballal, 2 other Palestinians held on suspicion of throwing stones as Israelis attacked West Bank village; IDF: Violence began when ‘terrorists threw rocks’ at Israeli cars"
Biggest wimps in the world, arrested b/c people were throwing rocks at CARS ffs
It is suspected the election was stolen. fElon controls 💫 !ink that controlled the voting machines in swing states. Other elected officials scared or corrupt as well. Heads up: They are searching phones and laptops @ USA airports ya’ll.
Elon and his fucking minions hacked the results. He, his four year old, and Felon47 all admitted it on TV.
We did not want the adjudicated rapist as our president.
Each day I wake up to another atrocity. The impunity given this rogue state allows these unspeakable acts to continue. Until Israel is sanctioned completely nothing will change.
OMG ,if we had a strong president like Joe Biden, this would not be happening .
With the WEAK COWARD trump, the rift-raft criminals have no fear. Why be afraid of the crybaby trump. The world sees the weak whinnybaby that maga can not .
Do you mean the same Joe Biden who armed and funded israel to the hilt, while repeating lying propaganda as "seen with my own eyes" and constantly demonizing pro-Palestinian protesters?
Or do you mean a Joe Biden from an alternate universe?
No. Biden didn’t hide it either. An American Palestinian was sniped in the head and Biden said nothing about it. Didn’t call her family. Barely spoke about the other Lebanese American from Dearborn, Michigan who was murdered. Biden is a hardcore Zionist and it showed
Biden couched his disdain in bland generalities, masking his anti-Palestinian sentiments. trump straight up uses "Palestinian" as an epithet. "Barely speaking (or saying nothing)" is sometimes worse than vice signaling your hatred.
I'm also terrified for him. Also terrified and sickened by the treatment of the Venezualans shipped to Guatemala. I can't get them out of my mind. Mango is one sick fuck. I can't imagine how we can save any of them.
The same is happening in the #USA with innocent people being kidnapped and flown to inhumane prisons where they are tortured and killed.
Way to go #MAGA #GOP 🤡🤡🤡
They are trying to overwhelm us with all the illegal shit so we can’t keep track and get overwhelmed. This is where we rely on others. Don’t feel embarrassed. It happens to us all
No, I think I should be embarrassed. I don't want to be one of those people who thinks all central American people are the same. Ignorance is not one of my aspirations. On the other hand, I might be taking this waaaay too seriously.
I have been unable to stop thinking about those men, I’m waking up in the middle of the night thinking about it. Having a very difficult time processing it. Kristi Noem’s going there for a visit, are they getting ready to send more??? This is horrifying
Settlers shouldn't harass or attack anyone & should be arrested when they do. But the narrative that Israelis can do no right & Palestinians can do no wrong is false. I'm pretty sure the director of the movie won't be treated the way hostages were treated by Hamas.
Israel has probably murdered over 200,000 Palestinians. ( and that’s on the lesser side)They just murdered 700 Palestinians in 4 days. Many of them children. Israel is committing a genocide. They want to completely ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people
How many Israelis have you spoken to? Do you know history of initiated violence? Hebron massacre 1929. 1948, 67, 73 wars. Intifadas, riots, massacres, rockets, suicide bombs, bus bombs, car rammings, knifings, rocks, 350+ MILES of concrete tunnels with shafts into buildings, refusal to compromise.
Britain “created” Israel in 1939. This was because they felt guilty about the Holocaust. But they stole land from people who already lived there. This started the Nakbah. I studied history. I know history. I follow facts.
No one gives a fuck Nazi. None of your barbarian Zionist friends would have been there to die if they didn't colonize and occupy someone elses land. Fuck off colonizer. Fuck off back to Poland and New York.
Poland or New York didn't colonize Palestine. Britain did. Right or wrong, since they defeated the Ottoman Empire, they made decisions. Palestine was a province in the OE. They promised to both groups. Israelis are mostly from the Middle East anyway. Most lived hundreds of years in OE countries.
Oh, well, if the people who had 20,000 of their children murdered between 2001 and 2021, a further 2,000 murdered in 2022, and a quarter million of them murdered from 2023 to today won't 'compromise'...
Go walk into a furnace you disgusting piece of shit
Both Muslims & Jews have ties to the land. Into the 70s "disputed territory". You've been taught a false narrative. Whole story won't fit here. Arab Muslims weren't called Palestinian until mid 60s. They attack, no compromise, so Israel defends itself. Repeat. Angry about how Hamas treats Gazans?
Not even. Islam is a religion. Jews are an ethnic group/nationality. Islam is a religion in fact born out of the APPROPRIATION OF JEWISH HERITAGE AND IDENTITY. Taking our ancient folk tales from us doesn't make you connected to the land.
Tbf it's not this comment specifically, I got the label for my entire account because I called a bunch of vegans who were literally Nazis and harassing my trans friend "whitey" a bunch of times lol
1. There's more than enough food in Gaza, but Hamas hordes it. That's the truth.
2. It was never Israel's responsibility to ensure Gazans are fed but the world's and if the world had stepped in and actually taken care of Gaza, including by ridding it of Hamas, we wouldn't be in this mess today.
You’re right. Hamas treats their hostages with respect and professionalism while the monsters from The Zionist Entity regularly rape, torture, and kill theirs.
Let's see:
1. He won an Oscar for his doc "No Other Land," co-directed by an Israeli.
2. The film documents the Israeli destruction of his village.
3. Recently (last week), settlers attacked him and IDF soldiers kidnapped him.
4. Go see the film (if you can).
5. This isn't 'both sides are wrong.'
6. The situation isn't complex or nuanced when BB's systematically destroying an area 1/2 the size of LA (93% housing, gone), while starving and bombing KIDS (1/2 of Gazans are under 16) after even the Israelis are saying "enough." 50,000 people dead (likely 2x-3x more), mostly women and children.
It's also utter hate-filled BS. Netanyahu speaks and acts for all Israelis exactly as much as Trump speaks and acts for all Americans. Meanwhile antisemitic rhetoric is reaching a fever pitch. It's nasty and wrong.
I can (though blaming all Israelis for netanyahu's decisions and actions is no more just than blaming all Americans for trump's). However I am seeing a lot of overlap lately, and I'm seeing more antisemitism than I've ever seen in my life before. And I'm 55 years old. So it is unsettling.
I worked in news in the early '00s. With Bibi out of power, came a huge push to bring peace by bringing Palestinians and Israelis together at an early age. They held round tables, camps, cultural exchanges. Things were going well, and looking up for future generations. Netanyahu torpedoed all that.
People in Israeli hate Netanyahu. He is doing this because he knows that the moment is steps out of office he will be in jail. Zionism is the reason for an increase in antisemitism. Let’s make that very clear
I equate netanyahu with trump, though he's more intelligent, which is actually more dangerous. Zionism may be the reason for increased antisemitism, but I don't believe that makes it right. Nor, inherently, is Zionism wrong, when defined as the wish for a lasting home, and not as pure nationalism.
I believe the better statement is: Netanyahu is the worst leader on earth (probably tied with Dump & Putin). Israel is as divided as we are. 41% of Israelis support Netanyahu's policies. 45% of Americans support Dump's policies. It doesn't make Israel or the US "the worst" - just their leaders.
Sometimes we have to remember it is not the country complete, there are citizens that agree with you.
as an American, I have never hoped more that people in other countries will understand I am trapped here with the Nazis.
And I am scared, too.
So maybe you should stop ass-uming you know everything about everybody before you start calling me out. Just saying, adding hate does not get you anywhere here.
Well, actually I'm kinda of in hiding right now. I just got out of a false charge by a MAGA creep and their tendrils run deep even on the local level. Yes, I was shocked by how deep the corruption is, I went through civil rights, etc. THIS IS DIFFERENT!
Right now, Israel is a full-fledged nazi terror state. It’s a military state where even its own citizens, if they think differently, can suffer the hate and violence of brainwashed pawns that feel almighty because they are more and are armed.
I didn’t have the incontrovertible all-time victims of fascism feel comfortable in employing fascism on my bingo card.
Bibi, 🍊🤡, and poo-tin have to be Mussolini’d.
People who keep telling this while Israel is committing the worst crime of genocide do not deserve a second's attention. They are also Zionists and accomplices of Zionist terrorists.
When a group of militants is explicitly protected by extremist politicians, and state agencies are co-opted into protecting the militants, the only difference between the army and the militants are who signs the paychecks.
Is this the 1700's? Are Israelis now under "Manifest Destiny"? What justification does the government have for supporting the invasion of Palestinian land and murder of Palestinians?
The Palestinians invaded Israeli land and murdered Israeli whose only involvement in the conflict was calling for it to end; that easily justifies invading Palestinian land to depose the government that sponsored said invasion and murder.
Murdering other Palestinians is of course not justified.
Very true apparently some of the kibbutz people killed were peaceniks who used to help Palestinians get medical treatment.Also Hamas must have known Netanyahu would unleash all kinds of hell on Gaza.Saying that Netanyahu is pretty much evil personified.The secular Israelis I think hate him.
When a government enables fascist mobs those mobs speak for the government. That's BEFORE we recognize that the soldiers appearance is strong evidence to possible coordination.
So, according to you, what standards and rules *should* be used to distinguish between government-sanctioned violence (the government can be held accountable) and ethnic violence by criminals (the government cannot be held accountable)?
I don't believe that settlers killed over 50,000 people in Gaza. I do agree that there is a difference between what citizens and the military do. The Israeli government does seem too look the other way regarding what some settlers do.
The " settlers AKA occupiers" are simply showing who and what they are, sanctioned by the Zionists that control Israel. How about getting out of Palestine?
How about recognizing that that was the Land of Israel before the Roman occupiers renamed it to "Palestine"?
There are real problems with how Israel treats the Palestinians, but if you deny Jewish indigineity then you are part of the problem, not the solution.
“Freedom of expression is an important value, but turning the slander of Israel into a tool for international promotion is not creativity – it is sabotage of the State of Israel..."
— Culture Minister Miki Zohar
Actually holding settlers who violate the law to account for what they done instead of giving them de facto free reign to straight up murder people would be a nice gesture by the government to show that they are not complicit in such actions would be a nice start, don’t you think?
I still think, though, that Yuval Avraham's post *does not* illustrate that the settlers are not held accountable, and *does* illustrate that soldiers got involved, and therefore the latter is the clearer line from his post.
The soldiers took him into custody, not the settlers they protect. Israel uses the settlers for ethnic cleansing, so westerners like you can claim it's not the Israeli government doing murder and land theft. It's out of control settlers who the state does nothing about. How convenient
You certainly do seem to be edging toward some good answers to the question I asked, though you might want to phrase your ideas an an actual answer to the actual question.
Literally nobody is saying hamas isnt bad. What they have done is wrong, but the idf is responding by commiting genocide on a grander scale than they already were. Nobody would be silent if Amerikkka invaded iraq after 9/11 and began claiming their land for themselves
Plenty of anti-Israel leftists do, in fact, openly defend Hamas and claim that they’re not doing any thing wrong. You don’t get to “No True Scotsman” that fact out of existance because it’s inconvenient to your narrative.
At what point do you just admit that the overwhelming majority of Israelis support this genocide? At what point do you just admit it's a rotten society? When 80% support this? It's a cowardly cop out to separate the gov from the ppl, when every citizen is a military reservist, has served the army
You have any source for the claim that the overwhelming majority of Israelis support genocide? Remember, those who believe the "it's just defending ourselves" don't count as supporting genocide.
And conscripts are *never* to blame for government decisions, nor government for rogue soldiers.
Bullshit, the Israeli military recently rioted to have the right to rape prisoners, riots backed by members of the state. The genocidal attitude, the want for genocide is total in Israeli society.
We learned at the Nuremberg trials how this goes down. We never separated the German ppl from what the nazis did, because the ppl supported the nazis. All dissent was murdered. The people KNEW what the nazis were doing & we held THEM to account. But when Israel does the same thing, we just shrug?
As an artist and a human this makes me physically ill and I don’t understood how hate at this level can exist? May his work teach others about tolerance.
Despite our evolutions, despite our intelligence, despite our recording of history and our claimed disgust by the horrors past generations committed, we allow them to continue.
In a sense it is DNA evolution. Power hungry, aggressive "leaders" send people in to battle. The less aggressive people die, "leaders" live to breed their qualities. Or not. :)
I'd like to believe we moved past fat, old men in safe perches, sending young and foolish people to die under the guise of honor, but here we are. We could just create a "Purge" night and accomplish the same "DNA evolution" while saving on marketing and fuel.
I agree to a large extent. It seems that leaders of "tribes" can influence the society though. More peaceful leadership, results in the emulation of such qualities for those that then want power. Power, in that case, is found by being the better person. In other words, lead by example.
Yep. I agree with you. I think societies go through, essentially, cycles of abuse. We alternate between the more abusive types having power and the empaths/compassionate types overcoming that.
No. It’s a bunch of disordered antisocial personality disordered aggressive power hungry greed driven types that con, bully, cheat, lie, and when none of that works, kill their way into power. Every damn time. We can solve this. Society needs to evolve in order to address THIS.
I always try to remember it like this: sociopaths know it’s wrong and they feel guilt but they’re gonna do it anyway. Psychopaths might know it’s wrong, but they don’t feel anything close to remorse.
I wish that independent news media would discuss and platform this issue on a regular basis. I've been listening to Democracy Now and other, more independent outlets reports since israel started their genocide. It's beyond immoral.
Call your Senator and Representatives today. We need to demand that the 1) director be freed and returned to his family, and 2) anyone involved in this crime be prosecuted.
I am the child of a Holocaust survivor.
I am hardly a Nazi apologist.
How you could get them from my comment is fascinating.
Please go back to Twitter.
That is where you belong.
Zionists are Nazis. And when it comes to jews and Zionists, don’t bother with your rebuttal as distinction. Liars have a metaphysical stench, and you reek.
How terribly ironic that radical settlers apply the same methods towards Palestinians that the Sturmabteilung did towards the Jews in the 30’s. Nazism obviously isn’t that repulsive to some.
You unfortunately won’t find a stream. No one in the US will pick it up. You only can see it through an independent movie theatre. They are self funding it themselves
But we will keep sending them money. You know, “Israel’s right to defend itself.” We are their accomplices—war criminals: Biden, Blinken, Trump, Rubio. If only they would meet the fate of Duterte.
Don’t single those 4 out. The entire American government has given blind, limitless, unconditional support for decades. It’s in our government’s dna to fund Israel to do whatever they want,with zero caveats. No other country gets Carte Blanche like that.
I blame the Global north and specifically the US for October 7th. Had the US re4ined Israel in from the start as they did in 1957 we would not be where we are today. Israel should not have been allowed to set the agenda and should have been forced to leave the occupied territories
I am a Jewish woman who is terrified with the actions of Netanyahu and his corrupt cabinet. Hamas kidnapped Israeli’s yes, but the people of Palestine should not suffer the devastation due to the actions of Hamas! I care, so do many other Jews.
Thank you! I have condemned Netanyahu and defended Jewish people. IDF and Netanyahu are committing war crimes. Thanks for sharing your support to the Palestinian people.
Yes, and if people would listen and read, they would learn that. The protests and anger of the Israeli people at Netanyahu and his govt is not being conveyed here by mainstream media and Jewish Voices for Palestine is barely a whisper.
Meanwhile Israel elected him to govern over the country and Jews in America are doing nothing about it but send their prayers and thoughts. I wonder how many will be the first to book luxury suites in hotels along the Gaza coast
Yeah it’s frustrating that Netanyahu is popular for his treatment of palistine and when you have a political party like that pop up you have alternative political parties that when under a sort of slow genocide, the natural psychopaths in us all come out. It’s the cycle of violence as a policy.
Security detail? Assistants? What makes you think he has those things? They couldn’t even get distribution on the movie! Where else would he go? He certainly wouldn’t be welcome here in America. Trump would have “disappeared him” at the airport as per Netanyahu’s orders.
He was only in the US for the Oscars on a temporary visa. He is an activist for his town and his people. It isn't the first time this has happened to him & this is what Israel has done to Palestinians for decades. It is an apartheid state, there is no police or security coming to help them
Israel isn't a nation. It's a death camp. Calorie rationing (for Gaza) was invented in the Warsaw Ghetto. Cluster bombs, courtesy of Aerojet. The Pentagon, Zionism and Hitler, different words for the same thing.
"Abraham posted a video purported to be taken on the scene; he wrote that the figure in the video is “part of the lynch mob that attacked Hamdan’s village, they continued to attack American activists, breaking their car with stones. Hamdan’s location is still unknown."
I am as well. The Zionists are so brazen they shoot people on camera and are never held accountable. They are above the law and lack any sense of humanity.
The one who wrote thou shall not murder as one of the 10 commandments.
Nor take revenge cause he'd be the avenger if it was necessary.
Or forgive your enemies... That Izzrael's God?!
Thanks to tRump Izzrael is also exploiting US faith to commit genocide!
Don't fall into the trap of assuming that it's "just" a Netanyahu problem.
The way israel treats Palestinians is baked into the ideological fabric of the israeli state. The dehumanization and oppression and mass murder of Palestinians is a fundamental component of zionism as an ideology.
Israel funded Hamas so they could bring about their final solution, but I suspect they did not expect to have the true nature of their brutality revealed, it is never going to be unseen, the seeds of their own destruction has begun
No one on the Palestinian side has done anything resembling even a fraction of what the israeli army has done and continues to do, while bragging and laughing about it.
It's worth mentioning that even before october 2023, the IDF murdered Palestinian civilians en masse as official policy.
“No better”? Of the 1200 killed on 7th October, just 36 (3%) were children
Since that day 33% of all Palestinian deaths are children.
They’re more than ten times worse than Hamas
Hamas was brought to power, with the help of Israeli intelligence, in 1987, after 40 years of Israeli gang rape, torture, ethnic cleansing, land theft, mass slaughter, and state-sponsored terrorism, including the USS Liberty, that maimed or murdered more than 200 US service members.
I'm sharing here the missing [alt text] for this black and white portrait of Albert Einstein, with a white text :
« (…) Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut),
I am not anti Israel but they need to go back to their 1967 borders and relinquish the occupied lands back to Palestinians. The lawlessness is outrageous. Look at what happened to the Palestinians film maker. And there will be no accountability.
Before "No Other Land," there was "5 Broken Cameras." This has been happening to Palestinians, for more than a century. Since 1967, with the funding of hundreds of billions of US taxpayer dollars.
To think that Begin went on to be PM. It is good to be reminded of the principled people who stood up against the extremism. I believe that if the history Palestinian people over the past 100 years was told impartially, the American people would be sympathetic but powerful interests prevent it.
I've been wanting to see this movie since I first heard of it...at the Oscars. Now I must see it. I'm in freaking Texas. Can someone help me out here please?
Put where they are by Americans and Brits. They didn't steal that land; it was given to them by our countries. The only way forward is a peace process where BOTH sides do some serious work. Hamas is as deeply evil as any other terrorist/extremist group.
He is a huge problem. In the early '00s when he was NOT in power, there was a huge push to bring people together. I worked in tv news, and one of our bigger stories was the launch of youth groups, in which Palestinian and Israeli kids got to know, and befriend one other. Bibi exploded those efforts.
Yes, Bibi always baited the ultra-right with hate to support his plans (and keep him out of prison).
He reminds me of Ariel Sharon (I do love Sir Peter Ustinovs report about the biggest regret in his life, that he did not stick his foot out and send Sharon sprawling with his breakfast tray).
I wish he reminded me of someone from the slightly more distant past. Sadly, that ability to harness the worst in people, can also be seen in our current president. (Or at least mine, though I sure as hell didn't vote for him! I don't know which nation is home to you.)
West Bank and Gaza were not given to the Israeli people. The Israeli people along with the US are literally stealing homes in the West Bank. Gaza is being bombed to oblivion with as many Palestinian deaths that Israel can muster.
It’s disgusting and it violates the very tenets in the Torah.
And I firmly blame Netanyahu's government for that. Netanyahu fucking sucks. He's exacerbated this, and he wanted this. No argument. But I'm tired of everyone coming down on the Israeli people. Most are just trying to live. In what they have always known as home.
Do some thing about the problem then. If the Israeli people won’t stand up to Netanyahu- then he has no reason to change directions.
Palestinian people also just want to live as well. But Israel won’t let them. Netanyahu won’t let them.
I don’t think the Israeli people have a right to complain.
Then we certainly have no right to complain about trump. What are we all doing here?
If you don't think things are going to get a lot worse, and that he is not going to do far more terrible things in the name of all of us, then you are sadly mistaken.
Less snitty now, so: I was a news producer during the early '00s, when Bibi was NOT in charge. Both sides together created programs, bringing kids from both sides together, to learn about each other and to make friends. It was all going well, 'til Bibi got back in power and torpedoed those efforts.
Obviously, programs bringing kids from both sides is important & laudable, but while the occupation exists and Israel gets a free pass by the US, then it's pointless. Remove the reasons for Palestinians to support Hamas, (ie ending the occupation) and then the chances for peace increase
But the whole point of bringing the young people together, was that in another generation they could have regarded each other as friends and allies, rather than as enemies. This would make the sharing of the area MUCH less contentious. Rights, jobs and wealth would have been more evenly distributed.
I like to think that they could have transitioned into a fair and equal sharing of the land, had so much hate not been nurtured. Hopelessly naive, almost certainly. Still, Bibi and his criminal ilk fostered Hamas, in order to later rationalize the Gaza decimation. And innocents on both sides suffer.
I'd say it started in 1995 when Rabin was assassinated by Yigal Amir, a hard line zionist. This paved the way for Netenyahu's first administration when he went against the Oslo agreement. Then came Sharon and his provocative moves on the Temple Mount, triggering the 2nd Intifada. Downhill ever since
It's tragic. Because had different leaders been in charge, and things handled the different way, there is absolutely no reason there couldn't be peaceful coexistence.
I'll take it. I am rarely smug, but have been pedantic since childhood.
I am also, admittedly, capable of lashing out when angry. I'm sure I'm alone of all the human race on that.
It's possible. I'm just tired of seeing a very complicated political situation reduced to something in which there is ONE clear cut villain. Especially when that villain is cast as an entire population, no more unified in the treatment of the Palestinians than we are in treatment of our immigrants.
Thanks. I worked as a TV news producer during the early '00s, when there were some very strong efforts to bring both sides together, especially the younger people. There were some excellent programs helping kids befriend one another. Looked hopeful for future generations. Then Bibi took over again.
As civilizations grow they spread. It seems a little hard to take from those of us whose ancestors already stole all of our own land. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying there is undue blame being cast.
Not ALL. When you say every Israeli supports what netanyahu's regime is doing, then you accept responsibility for everything Trump's regime is doing. https://youtu.be/bW8gY_5Kzcw?si=Rd9T9sqTgRSd-V-w
If you look up the definition of nazis…. You would see the IDF. They are exactly the same. The torture that the Nazis did to their grandparents…. They are currently doing to the Palestinians
I have no doubt that the quote you posted is accurate. And sooo many countries have had, are are having, brutal things done to them. And we never used that N word. For some reason, people want to call every thing that happens now, even legit slight things, as equivalent to N. Fascist, yes, for sure.
Sure, I've seen the word "Nazi" used inappropriately, I'm saying I don't think it's that inappropriate in this case. People understandably get upset about murders from 80 years ago, but some of them also get upset by murders commited today, by Israel, and it is a genocide.
Yes, it's a genocide. And that is also happening and has happened in other countries, and it's all horrific and terrifying. And that does not mean you use the N word.
I HAVE to care, do you get it, Tony? The same way I HAVE to care about being a woman. I didn't CHOOSE it. The oppression chose me. If you are not Jewish, just show some humility and that maybe you don't understand what is going on here when you use the N word to describe everything that is awful.
They probably would. Terrorists tend not to care what officials want or don’t want. Most of the settler terrorists - and I agree they are terrorists - would just join the IDF.
Fun fact: most of the ultra orthodox nationalists have been exempt from military service and have fought
"The #PriceTagAttackPolicy (Hebrew: מדיניות תג מחיר), also sometimes referred to as mutual responsibility (אחריות הדדית), is the name originally given to the attacks and acts of vandalism"
This second clip is from Peep Show. David Mitchell's character goes along to a WW2 reenactment with his new friend and slowly realises said friend is an actual Nazi.
So the victim is arrested and the 'settlers' (vigilantes) walk away, supported as always by 'the most moral army' (immoral scum), which is paid for by 'the land of the free' (authoritarian failed country).
This is outrageous!!! What they are doing is against the law and inhumane. This is out of control across the spectrum. They need to find him. That’s kidnapping
The movie that NO AMERICAN DISTRIBUTOR had the guts to release. Amerika, sorry. Forget freedom of speech and expression, that ship sailed some time ago.
I see show times for it at a bunch of small venues here in ny. This sounds like an important message to get out. Hopefully a streaming service will pick it up
Biggest wimps in the world, arrested b/c people were throwing rocks at CARS ffs
Jews, be ASHAMED.
Such a horror.
@muellershewrote.bsky.social @dgcomedy.bsky.social
Film community raise your voices!
@cdgnews.bsky.social @thr.com @variety.com
We did not want the adjudicated rapist as our president.
The film is available on channel 4
Praying for Hamdan! 🙏🙏🙏
I urge everyone who frequently reminds us that not all Gazans are Hamas to remember that this is a tiny minority of Israelis.
The people in UN who fired their genocide advisor Alice Nderitu when she wouldn't rubber stamp their pre-made conclusions?
If we'd applied Gaza logic to WW2, US and UK had been the bad guys.
With the WEAK COWARD trump, the rift-raft criminals have no fear. Why be afraid of the crybaby trump. The world sees the weak whinnybaby that maga can not .
Or do you mean a Joe Biden from an alternate universe?
It's like America, but with funny accents and a different alphabet, everyone!
Way to go #MAGA #GOP 🤡🤡🤡
Go walk into a furnace you disgusting piece of shit
2. It was never Israel's responsibility to ensure Gazans are fed but the world's and if the world had stepped in and actually taken care of Gaza, including by ridding it of Hamas, we wouldn't be in this mess today.
1. He won an Oscar for his doc "No Other Land," co-directed by an Israeli.
2. The film documents the Israeli destruction of his village.
3. Recently (last week), settlers attacked him and IDF soldiers kidnapped him.
4. Go see the film (if you can).
5. This isn't 'both sides are wrong.'
Evil grows with Satanyahu in charge of Israeli forces.
The US has also been shitty forever and I’m not defending us either.
We need a Matriarchy and we need it now.
A genocide on gaza to finish the job is worthy of hate and revulsion.
I don't dislike jews but I loathe the Israeli government, and I have for three decades because of this insanity.
I will go to my grave telling everyone around me how awful Israel is and denouncing their terrorist settlers and IDF gestapo.
as an American, I have never hoped more that people in other countries will understand I am trapped here with the Nazis.
And I am scared, too.
At least they’re not trying to murder you!
Millions of us did not choose insanity or dictatorship from democracy!
Don't hold your breath asking our joke of a POTUS to lend a hand in finding him and taking out the assailants!
Kinda like Alexey Navalny going back to Russia.
They'll probably find him in prison in El Salvador or somewhere equally as despicable.
I can't help it, I don't think like evil people and I'm an optimist. You're probably right.
Bibi, 🍊🤡, and poo-tin have to be Mussolini’d.
The soldiers, on the other hand, clearly prove there's a problem here.
(Though I still maintain that allowing Hamas free rein is the wrong solution.)
Not very explanatory of its own justification, but it is succinct.
Murdering other Palestinians is of course not justified.
Hamas wants to replace Israel with a brutal Islamic theocracy, and doesn't care how many Palestinians need to be sacrificed in the process.
They are guilty of this. And so is their government, for condoning this for years.
The OP called them settlers, so I followed.
2. Yes, the current Israeli government looking the other way is the other big problem, though the soldiers are more of a "smoking gun" in this case.
There are real problems with how Israel treats the Palestinians, but if you deny Jewish indigineity then you are part of the problem, not the solution.
“Freedom of expression is an important value, but turning the slander of Israel into a tool for international promotion is not creativity – it is sabotage of the State of Israel..."
— Culture Minister Miki Zohar
2. I don't think a quote from one of the governments involved is particularly compelling as an argument...
I still think, though, that Yuval Avraham's post *does not* illustrate that the settlers are not held accountable, and *does* illustrate that soldiers got involved, and therefore the latter is the clearer line from his post.
Hamas, hamas, hamas, Its the go-to excuse for every Israelii crime.
Shoot a toddler in the head- Hamas
Blow up a hospital - Hamas
Settler pogrom- Hamas
Torture and rape prisoners to death- Hamas
Lynch and kidnap an Oscar winning director- Hamas
And conscripts are *never* to blame for government decisions, nor government for rogue soldiers.
Maybe I'm being unreasonably optimistic regarding how deep the rot goes, but I hope I'm not.
That's why we only occupied Germany for a while, and not forever.
What we do know is that psycho/sociopaths are disproportionately found in positions of leaderships like CEO's.
Really makes you do a big thinku of realization.
It's happening again, same story as Mahmoud Khalil. Will America let this happen???
Just fucking appalling.
You may be able to schedule it at an independent movie house or a library. Also, check out this link:
Fuck it - I am going out of my way to watch this movie now.
I am hardly a Nazi apologist.
How you could get them from my comment is fascinating.
Please go back to Twitter.
That is where you belong.
Those are your people.
John Oliver gave a well-researched piece about the West Bank occupation:
The one who wrote thou shall not murder as one of the 10 commandments.
Nor take revenge cause he'd be the avenger if it was necessary.
Or forgive your enemies... That Izzrael's God?!
Thanks to tRump Izzrael is also exploiting US faith to commit genocide!
Some go on to be great healers to make the world a kinder place.
Others go on to traumatize other people like they were traumatized..
The way israel treats Palestinians is baked into the ideological fabric of the israeli state. The dehumanization and oppression and mass murder of Palestinians is a fundamental component of zionism as an ideology.
Remind you of what is happening here in the USA
It's worth mentioning that even before october 2023, the IDF murdered Palestinian civilians en masse as official policy.
Since that day 33% of all Palestinian deaths are children.
They’re more than ten times worse than Hamas
We were warned.
« (…) Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut),
It is the beginning of an open letter to the New York Times, from December 1948, signed by 28 personalities, including Albert Einstein.
New Palestine Party: Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed
To the Editors of the New York Times:
You are just for genocide, buddy
You can always judge the seriousness of peace efforts by an Israeli government by their attitude towards these settlers. Netanyahu never wanted peace.
He reminds me of Ariel Sharon (I do love Sir Peter Ustinovs report about the biggest regret in his life, that he did not stick his foot out and send Sharon sprawling with his breakfast tray).
It’s disgusting and it violates the very tenets in the Torah.
Palestinian people also just want to live as well. But Israel won’t let them. Netanyahu won’t let them.
I don’t think the Israeli people have a right to complain.
If you don't think things are going to get a lot worse, and that he is not going to do far more terrible things in the name of all of us, then you are sadly mistaken.
I am also, admittedly, capable of lashing out when angry. I'm sure I'm alone of all the human race on that.
Fun fact: most of the ultra orthodox nationalists have been exempt from military service and have fought
They don’t want military discipline because they are terrorists.
"The #PriceTagAttackPolicy (Hebrew: מדיניות תג מחיר), also sometimes referred to as mutual responsibility (אחריות הדדית), is the name originally given to the attacks and acts of vandalism"
The US is implicated in these heinous murders
And genocide
We may have to wait 4 years.