Residents of St. Pauli fear that there will soon be deaths from police shots.
When police officers encounter black people in psych. crisis situation, it quickly ends fatally (Dramé, Touray,...)
According to residents, it almost happened recently:
When police officers encounter black people in psych. crisis situation, it quickly ends fatally (Dramé, Touray,...)
According to residents, it almost happened recently:
Reposted from
Katharina Schipkowski
Anwohner*innen St. Paulis befürchten, dass es dort bald Tote durch Polizeischüsse gibt. Wenn Polizist*innen auf schwarze Menschen in psych. Krisensituation treffen, endet es schnell tödlich (Dramé, Touray,…) Kürzlich kam es laut Anwohner*innen schon fast dazu: