What's up with the mask ban?
This is not only anti-science, but Section 2 likely a violation of ADA.
You do not have the authority to ask someone to remove their mask and to put themselves at risk.
Additionally, sunglasses are also a reasonable accommodation
What's up with the mask ban?
This is not only anti-science, but Section 2 likely a violation of ADA.
You do not have the authority to ask someone to remove their mask and to put themselves at risk.
Additionally, sunglasses are also a reasonable accommodation
You state that nothing else can be worn in addition to the standard face mask. Again, possible ADA violation.
Lastly, what if a Muslim wanted to wear a head covering in addition to the face mask?
Columbia is supposedly one of the top universities in the US. Lots of good science is conducted there.
I cannot, for the life of me, understand why a university would reject science.
Furthermore, I also cannot understand
While disabled and chronically ill people can get a note from the doctor stating the medical necessity of the mask, the average person also has the right to safety against airborne transmitted diseases.
Lastly, masks do not interfere with identification.
"...Columbia seeks to hire, retain, and promote exceptionally talented women and men from different racial, cultural, economic and ethnic backgrounds regardless of their sexual orientation or disability status."
Please fix this.
It's unacceptable.