Turtle head pushes out and distends the mostly dry plastic and padding, pushing hard against his bits, before lump deforms in the diaper and smushes out.
Lump after lump, followed by softer mush pushes out, deforming and packing out the rear, pressing warmly against Daddy's hardened bits.
Minutes later, tail lowers into a soft wag, and Daddy's bits are pressed at attention into the little puppy's bum, nearly molded into the plastic barrier between him and his mushy puppy.
They wag wag wag slowly underneath the sheets, rubbing against Daddy's front, before flaaaaaaaaging big and tall, pressing up against Daddy's tummy.
He uses this opportunity to press closer to his little spoon, bits put right underneath their tail.
Lump after lump, followed by softer mush pushes out, deforming and packing out the rear, pressing warmly against Daddy's hardened bits.