The idea there are actual people out there who just listen to bigfeets with out watching mountain monsters is Bannanas. I want y’all to get together and recreate a mountain monsters episode based purely off the podcast retelling.
I have precious few hours in this human life of mine. Those hours allow for the enjoyment of a podcast, they do not allow time for me to watch a bunch of (and I say this with love, as they are my people) redneck hillbillies play Bigfoot with each other in the mountains. Not a chance.
Oh I completely understand in the apocalypse I will be put through cruel public humiliation and crucifixion for the udder decadence of spending 45 min a week watching an episode of mountain monsters.
I judge you from my mighty ivory tower of “Rewatching the Clone Wars with my wife for the eighth time”. In the Revolution, only people who waste their lives in identical ways to me will be spared.
Just both of us on crosses. “Whatcha here for?” “Mountain Monsters. You?” “Clone Wars”
Just both of us on crosses. “Whatcha here for?” “Mountain Monsters. You?” “Clone Wars”