None of us are ready for what AI is going to do. To everything. There's very little in our world that will remain untouched. I've been something of a lunatic street preacher about this and I've learned that it's only peripherally on people's radar. I'd love to hear your thoughts. A thread...
Robots+AI could MAYBE give us that star trek utopia i think we all want. OR just make assholes richer
You think you have difficulty id'ing real people vs bots? Now imagine ONE person with a laptop can generate virtually infinite amounts of trash.
Will passwords become a thing of the past?
Many creatives dismissed this as hyperbole or attached qualifiers to it.
They are wrong.!
There are AI applications that can generate 3D environments from a line of text. Extrapolate that out to literally *every* aspect of game development. It's happening.
I’m not saying we need hard labor like building pyramids, but we need purpose.