I’m looking at articles about Covid vaccine and not one article has proved or linked a study of Covid vaccine’s being unhealthy. This is a dangerous narrative you’re pushing about vaccines.
Only danger the vaccine poses is danger to people sick to it.
Only danger the vaccine poses is danger to people sick to it.
It was a scam
When you get polio and are stuffed into an iron lung I’ll be praying for you brother.
And how cruel to wish polio on someone.
Grow up
Who’s the random kid in your profile picture?
Why did we discover that WHO did a simulation of a global pandemic in 2018?
Sounds a little odd, right? https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/simulation-exercise-puts-global-pandemic-readiness-to-the-test
Very Twitter of you to try and put words in my mouth doe
The statement I made was to tell him that even if that were to happen he would have a worse fate than if he didn’t take it.
I will admit I was wrong about it having no effect. But his argument was that the Covid vaccine shots WERE OVERALL A SCAM.
You link few of the worst examples and tried defending that pov with that study