LOL it's nothing exciting unfortunately. But it's totally random that they had a CD signing in a Wal Mart near where I lived & my friend at the time had family who worked at the Wal Mart and got us in. It was like in the back break room?? Totally fucking random but so much fun
No they wouldn't let us 😔 they herded us along so fast. I only got pictures of them but even they turned out blurry and not great 🤣 talking about it made me go back to look at them. These were the best ones I got unfortunately. This was back in 2010 but I did get a poster & my cd signed by them all!
Lame 🙄 okay, but james was my favorite, so the fact that you got a photo of him in that hair era… 😩 so 2010 haha they’re not bad photos for when they were taken! Please tell me that the poster and cd are still on display
does anyone know the janoskians? probably them 😭 another one would be a german singer called giovanni zarella, other than that i didn't have the luck to meet someone YET.