Did a small break to finish some new lovely Pal gals :)
Themis(Celesdir) the Just, Minerva(Silvegis) the Protector and Leto(Starryon) the Unseen.
There is two more I want to draw, but it will be for another time.
I just love adding goddesses' names on OCs lol.
Themis(Celesdir) the Just, Minerva(Silvegis) the Protector and Leto(Starryon) the Unseen.
There is two more I want to draw, but it will be for another time.
I just love adding goddesses' names on OCs lol.
[Strains to speak out] H...Hello...Misses...? Are you all...new...to this region...? I... o////o;
Minerva: Oh, a little guy! Now now, it is not our first time here...
Leto: Yes yes we are just errr... scouting. Yes we are just looking for goods to bring back...
B-But I’d be glad to help…if I can…! Though, I…didn’t catch your…names yet…?
Minerva: Hmph, well then. Minerva... *points at self*
She's Leto our scout... *points at the Leto*
Leto: Good thing we didn't bring the girl...
Minerva: And Themis... *points at the last one*
Themis: ...
[Shifts my focus up to Themis as I shyly raise a paw as a greeting with a concerned, yet kind look] M…Miss…Themis…? Is everything-? You’ve been…umm…
Leto: *received Karma's greeting since she and Themis are shorter than Minerva* But don't worry Karma, she won't bite heh.