If i cant choose myself.. probably like.. hmmn these are always hard cause i struggled to get much of a childhood 🤔.. right now im very much feeling like.. Bowsette or like.. Rebecca from edgerunners? She definitely belongs in diapers but like in the sassy im gonna bully you cause ya like that way
what were some of your favourite saturday morning cartoon shows growing up? Have you ever gone back and rewatched any of them now, as an adult, to see if they still hold up?
Oh uh.. thats a hard one cause my decade was real fucked for toons if i recall and i was only allowed so much cartoon time.. i wanna say it was totally spies though.. i do remember this show called Martin Mystery at one point.. i usually only got snippets cause(c)
If my older bro wanted to watch a history channel or discovery he got priority cause dems was the rules.. i kinda grew up relatively repressed.. only got an hour of videogame time on weekends and that was if it was even available.. didnt really have internet till grade 11 either lol..
Sometimes.. little time can be hard to get cause of trust issues and a general lack of local support.. my little space can't really be left alone very long or i kinda just zone out and stair at the texture of the ceiling to pass the time..
Hope things pick up for ya by then!
Would ask coffee, but was not sure if you partake in the beverage.
..hazelnut though.. =\\\\\\\\\=