The felon called him “Little Marco” years ago. Rubio has lived up to that epitaph at every turn. No spine and no integrity. He’ll get fired from his job. At least we have him out of the senate.
The only hope America had in this 2nd Trump Administration WAS Marco Rubio....and now, Lil Marco is "drunk" on the Trump kool-aid too...kissing the ring, parroting the ineptitude and crassness of the man-baby in the Oval. THERE ARE NO ADULTS IN THE ROOM. #rudderlessship #senselessboondoogle
As well as not having a spine he also doesn't know how a man wears a suit correctly. When a man sits down wearing a suit coat he unbuttons the button. The US government isn't filled with Statemen or is instead a moronic troop of halfwit without any clue on grown up behaviour. Idiots.
Someone velcro'd his blue shiny suit to the back of the couch and why was JD Vance allowed to sit where the SOS is supposed to be in the side car to allow for the diplomacy to shine. The TASS reporter from Russia got a better seat then the NY Times apparently. Where is Putin publicly to gloat? RIP?
He looks to me more like he's not at all happy with how his colleagues are comporting themselves. I have NO love at all for Rubio, a zero if there ever was one, but he looks more like he wants not to be there and be part of the abomination. And if that's the case, can't blame him for that.
Since he took the position, Rubio has been looking like he’s in a constant state of constipation. Too bad he thinks that this ‘big boy’ serious face makes him look badass rather than a poorly programmed bot.
Marco Rubio has always been a pathetic piece of shit.
2 thugs beating up the only honorable man in the room.
He looked so little and pathetic on that couch.