Had a few people over for drinks last night - one of them said “come outside and see the drones!”. That’s a 747 dear. You live literally underneath the Newark holding stack. Bonkers.
Yeah, that's a picture of North Sentinel Island and its inhabitants. That's apparently as close as one can get because they will murder you on the spot.
I'm fairly certain it is technically part of India and they keep it protected. I mean they are only harmful if you go there. They voluntarily choose this, so I'm of the mind to leave them alone. I'm envious of them not knowing the world is on the brink of disaster. Doubtful it will affect them.
The same kind of people hyperventilating over airplane lights in the sky—worried they are being watched—are also often those who don't even blink twice at installing panopticon Big Santa surveillance elves within their homes on convenient shelves.
I feel this comparison is unfair:
The Sentinelese have a very good reason to react that way to helicopters, etc, given how their past contact with people from outside their island went!
(... plague and white explorers kidnapping their fucking kids.)
Hillarious!! 😂😂
The Sentinelese have a very good reason to react that way to helicopters, etc, given how their past contact with people from outside their island went!
(... plague and white explorers kidnapping their fucking kids.)