On the contrary I think this is a huge indicator of a creative mind. Instead of simply following directions, he recognised the purpose and changed them to still work but come out different... if that isn't creativity what is?
I didn't say this itself was creative, I said it was an indicator of a creative mind. Presumably the son is very young, so of course they won't be at the level of what we would expect for an adult, but it does imply the willingness and mental plasticity needed to be creative when he's older
It’s also perspective. Mirroring something is recreating from your own perspective in vision. Like coloring your hair in the mirror. That being said, my comment doesn’t indicate that there’s no creativity at all.
I get what you're saying. you're just being literal with what the words mean not trying to limit or make fun of the kid. Sorry everyone is still in their X brains
Maybe by some
I understand what you meant
Another point too
Some of the instructions are daunting!
He isn't as interested anymore, but It seemed my girlfriend's grandson could take one look at the finished picture and build incredibly complicated structures. He added his touches too.
Following a plan, completing a task to a pre-specified end is its own kind of skill and its own kind of pleasure. This task doesn’t involve creativity, but that doesn’t mean the builder HAS none.
So there's that
I understand what you meant
Another point too
Some of the instructions are daunting!
He isn't as interested anymore, but It seemed my girlfriend's grandson could take one look at the finished picture and build incredibly complicated structures. He added his touches too.