Name a non-LOTR character that could resist the One Ring.
Perhaps self-aggrandizing, but accurate.
Perhaps self-aggrandizing, but accurate.
Bertie Wooster, Lord Emsworth: Bombadil model, set it down somewhere and forget it. (Decent chance it gets eaten by a pig in the latter case.)
Jeeves: Gandalf/Galadriel model. "That would be *most* unwise, sir."
Madeline Basset does not resist, it's like Twee Emperor Joker.
Already proven ability to stay sane in intense emotional distress.
(Vimes could carry it, but would need Carrot with him at Mount Doom to make sure he tosses it.)
Digger could probably toss it aside pretty easily on first temptation, but if she got stuck with destroying it in Mt Doom like Frodo did, even she'd fail in the end.
The first step in the journey would have been finding a tinsmith to make a small lead lined box.