Cowards or journalists?
Journalists can't guess or assume.
"It looked a lot like the salute used in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. But almost immediately, a striking number of different interpretations began to circulate."
That's true.
Can you PROVE it was a Nazi salute? No. Neither can they.
Journalists can't guess or assume.
"It looked a lot like the salute used in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. But almost immediately, a striking number of different interpretations began to circulate."
That's true.
Can you PROVE it was a Nazi salute? No. Neither can they.
He has not distanced himself from fascists. The opposite actually.
But that's a far cry from what people seem to want from a news organization. One that would be sued in a HEARTBEAT if they were to say anything different than what they're saying.
And they'd lose in court.
He said that's not what it was. If any major media outlet were to say "it was" they would be sued immediately. And they'd lose. Because they can't PROVE it.
It's why we're seeing, "It appears to be." That's accurate.
Let them sue. The First Amendment isn't there for funsies. Make Elon prove it in court.
It is to you, me and I would assume, most.
Including big time journalists.
But that's belief. That's not enough.
sorry to be the one to break it to you
I'm a moron for stating WHY news outlets aren't saying, definitively, that he did it? You don't think there's reasons for that? And bringing those reasons up is equivocation to you?
Get your adult shit together. It's time.
Put on your grown up hat just for one second.
Ask yourself WHY they aren't saying it. Do you need a hint?
The word is "proof." He says that's not what it was. And the hand on the heart thing isn't part of it traditional salute.
I think he did it.
But I'm not facing lawsuits.
Just one.
I think he did. You think he did. They CAN'T say he did.
Why is that so hard to understand? I truly don't get it.
AI is going to destroy us. We're not sharp enough.
Being objective doesn't mean being fucking stupid.
That's not stupid. That's grown uppin'.
We all know what we saw. Reporters included. But that means nothing in this case. They'd lose in court if they ran with it.
Get it?
If any major media came out and said "He did" they'd be wide open to lawsuits and would lose.
Would Musk file? Probably not. I don't see him wanting that kind of press. But who knows? He's deranged.
But I think it's the "no" in there that matters.
It fits to what he does.
And the people should only care about one thing.
NAZIS kill.
That's it, that's all that matters.
What KILLS me though is how many of the screamers demand "truth" and "media integrity" and then lose their shit when it happens but it doesn't serve their feelings.
There's REASONS they can't say "it was."
Anyway, as a longtime journalist at multiple major news organizations, I can tell you they absolutely can say "it was." There are REASONS they *won't* say it was, but it's not the context-collapsed ones you're offering.
You’re despicable.
Fake reasonableness is the worst type of appeasement.
which is to say: it took effort to bury it
Just fucking do it.
Be a man.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Please don't walk away. I'd like to see your proof. Real proof.
I thought this place would be different but it's just like Twitter. I don't know if it's an age thing or just petulance from the faux-grievance crowd.
*proves my point*
You ignore all of it
“you’re too emotional fuck this app and these people”