OK. But you can't PROVE anything, right? Neither can any media outlet which is WHY they're not saying, "He did."
That's not stupid. That's grown uppin'.
We all know what we saw. Reporters included. But that means nothing in this case. They'd lose in court if they ran with it.
Get it?
That's not stupid. That's grown uppin'.
We all know what we saw. Reporters included. But that means nothing in this case. They'd lose in court if they ran with it.
Get it?
If any major media came out and said "He did" they'd be wide open to lawsuits and would lose.
Would Musk file? Probably not. I don't see him wanting that kind of press. But who knows? He's deranged.
But I think it's the "no" in there that matters.
It fits to what he does.
And the people should only care about one thing.
NAZIS kill.
That's it, that's all that matters.