I sorted my follows by last activity, and pruned some abandoned accounts (kept some - for various reasons) and I had a thought, not that novel or original, but I think it has to be said out loud.
Most institutions and public figures that left did so abruptly, without a redirect or a reason […]
Most institutions and public figures that left did so abruptly, without a redirect or a reason […]
I also think that many of those observations are factually correct, and yes "somebody has to tell them".
And if that is the only reason for abandoning the […]
If you do that routinely, ESPECIALLY on content that appeared to you randomly with a boost, and yes EVEN TOWARDS INSTITUTIONS, you are not helping.
You think you're helping but you're not. You're making […]
I learned it from introductory posts or just reading random posts like this one, discussing it "in general".
And guess what? You got pushed the "offending" content without looking for it so...it does work […]