--After escaping Totland
S: Whoa! The kitchen's a total mess!
L: Oh crap!
C: Go take the heat for it!
S: What kind of food did Ruffy even make?
--I’m feeling hungrier than usual
OMG!! Thanks dinah-san! Your words put me in a good mood for the rest of the week😆💫💫
Glad you enjoyed the translation. I need to practice my English more, but I'm glad I put it up❣️
S: Whoa! The kitchen's a total mess!
L: Oh crap!
C: Go take the heat for it!
S: What kind of food did Ruffy even make?
--I’m feeling hungrier than usual
and thank u for the translation NNN-san! the art is gorgeous in itself but it becomes more beautiful with context💗
Glad you enjoyed the translation. I need to practice my English more, but I'm glad I put it up❣️