Thing is, he has a history of accusing his opponents of doing what he knows he's doing. Which suggests that his Russian handlers were fiddling the elections. Why isn't more made of this?
I think Trump may not realize it but his biggest enemy right now might well be Mother Nature. The way he’s abused himself over the years with his diet choices and Adderall addiction Mother Nature may indeed show up with a sledgehammer sooner than later. And she doesn’t take no for an answer.
If your democratic congress person votes to certify this election call them and let them know they’re fired…. It’s not mandated that they do especially for a traitor also guilty of sedition
If your democratic congress person votes to certify this election call them and let them know they’re fired…. It’s not mandated that they do especially for a traitor also guilty of sedition
United States capitol switchboard
(202) 224-3121.
Fuck him!