Sirens themselves feeding off time has potential, Briggs does have a supporting cast that is interesting enough especially Anthony Keetch’s Coordinator Vansell, but this is very much a first effort.
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Phantasmagoria by: Mark Gatiss: First main range Fifth Doctor Adventure proper and oddly enough like The Sirens of Time it doesn’t really get started until the final episode, the first three being particularly short and the fourth being a regular length for a TV episode. Gatiss doesn’t really do
much with the Doctor or Turlough, they both stumble into things to discover what can be only described as a dull alien conspiracy. The Part Three cliffhanger is particularly ridiculous as it’s the reveal that Hannah has been secretly an alien in disguise who has also been several other characters
in the story. Yes they’re still finding their feet but this is one of many Big Finish releases that are just plain forgettable, I’ve listened to it numerous times and yet it takes no time to really forget most of it.
Whispers of Terror by: Justin Richards: The first Doctor Who Big Finish audio that actually really works. The sound design is a bit bare but Richard’s actually is paying attention to the audio medium. The story is a murder mystery involving a politician who had all of his speeches recorded. They
are being altered and a creature made of sound is slowly killing others. Okay so the creature isn’t well defined by the sound design but it is quite good at imitating people. The cast also just clicks for the first time, Lisa Bowerman is excellent as Pernell, Peter Miles is always a delight to
hear, and Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant just slip back into the roles of the Doctor and Peri. Richards as a writer likes to make them bicker but enough time has passed so the bickering is more like friends bantering than the over aggressive.