If find that troubling.
Escalator man still going up and down.
I guess you can never underestimate the number of deplorable ones
watching the 🟠dot go up and down.
Hillary Rodman Clinton Founded The Word Deplorable!
In Hillary Rodman Clinton I Trusted and Still Do.
Semper Fi Sister.
I think we give him too much credit for winning these elections. It took Fox News, BroCasts, Social media misinformation, hundreds of boot licking politicians and a slew of billionaires to finance this to pull this off.
Escalator man still going up and down.
I guess you can never underestimate the number of deplorable ones
watching the 🟠dot go up and down.
Hillary Rodman Clinton Founded The Word Deplorable!
In Hillary Rodman Clinton I Trusted and Still Do.
Semper Fi Sister.
Have you met people?