ever faster, racing toward the Monk to deliver what it saw as sweet justice and retribution.
The glow from the chest of the dragon reached a blinding peak, the light breaking out into pinpricks that illuminated the ground beneath them with an almost holy light.
The glow from the chest of the dragon reached a blinding peak, the light breaking out into pinpricks that illuminated the ground beneath them with an almost holy light.
A fist broke through the shard within its chest, gauntleted and bloody. A woman with pink eyes and hair and her teeth bared with all the fury she could muster materialized a sword of radiant light in her hand, like the Knight ancestor she never
The Knight turned, an echo of her ancestor standing superimposed over her form, as the blade seemed to reach a mile in length and cleaved down through the face of the dragon, through the neck and chest, through the abdomen, through the hips, to the tip of the tail.
Time slowed as the dragon stopped all motion, frozen in that pivotal moment of vulnerability, and Verone's shout emboldened her allies [+10 to next
Seeing Verone break free of the Sundrinker was not a feat that she thought within the realm of possibility.
"Evil will ever find its way on our doorstep, and we will rebuff it every