A gust of wind exploded from the dragon's body, an echo of the Sundrinker screaming as it was rent from the corpse to be sealed away within a doll.
Time slowed as the dragon stopped all motion, frozen in that pivotal moment of vulnerability, and Verone's shout emboldened her allies [+10 to next
Time slowed as the dragon stopped all motion, frozen in that pivotal moment of vulnerability, and Verone's shout emboldened her allies [+10 to next
Seeing Verone break free of the Sundrinker was not a feat that she thought within the realm of possibility.
"Evil will ever find its way on our doorstep, and we will rebuff it every
[54 damage total]
Verone did it. A spark of pride roared within her heart and she felt a wave of near-giddy relief flood through her system.
Defeating a dragon was, in itself, an incredible feat. But mentally outwitting it? Even with help, no doubt from Gil'ellian's curse... no.
A victory to be remembered.
manicured finger rests over the trigger as she takes her aim. if she gets +