😺 I- I know, and I understand how painful this is for you. But I know that I'd you had any proper control over your actions, you wouldn't have killed him.
😺 ...you're still the hero, if that helps it. To me, anyways... heh... you always have been, in a sense. One of the few people who actually looked out for me back in L Corp, and now you did this all because of what they did to me... heh...
...I recognised some of the bodies. Some of the people who
😺 Yeah! *They look rather embarrassed.* I... admittedly have always looked up to ya, capt'n. For what you did in L-Corp, and how you always wanted what was best for the people you were right close to, how resilient you are...
You've gone through some genuinely sickening shit.
Again... I should've stopped you. And I'm sorry.
...I recognised some of the bodies. Some of the people who
So thank you. This- *They gesture to the corpse.* This doesn't change that. To me, at least. You're still my hero, still my capt'n.
You've gone through some genuinely sickening shit.