😺 Yeah! *They look rather embarrassed.* I... admittedly have always looked up to ya, capt'n. For what you did in L-Corp, and how you always wanted what was best for the people you were right close to, how resilient you are...
You've gone through some genuinely sickening shit.
You've gone through some genuinely sickening shit.
Damn right you're my hero.
Look, yes, you killed the kid, but I know you well enough, and from what you told me that you literally had no control of yourself.
...I know how that feels...
...the youngest was 8.
I'm sorry.
I... I just wanted to put across that you're not alone in this.
It was fucked up, I'm sorry. I really don't want to hurt you more.
J-just... i-ignore what I said.
Regardless, I still stand by what I said: You're a hero, Olive. My hero, and even Al's kid looks up to ya.