It’s time to fix the headline. Hilda had a banging rave in her care home for her birthday but The Mirror’s headline is drier than a Rich Tea biscuit.
Reckon you can do better? Drop your entries below, and the best one will win a Paper Cuts T-shirt!
Reckon you can do better? Drop your entries below, and the best one will win a Paper Cuts T-shirt!
Everybody in The Retirement Place
Your names not Hilda, you’re not coming in
#2: 105 BPM
#3: Turntables and Tramadol
#4: Castlemorton for Centenarian
#5: Rave of the Centenarian
I got two turntables at the old folks home..."
➖ Died Slippy
➖ Halcyon and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On...